aslalam alikum my dear brothers and sister how are u all first i want to participtae with u in the english section im greatuted of the faculty of education departement of english and i choose this depatement espically to learn how to speack english to talk to non muslim as da3wa so pl help me to achive this goal and to have arole in this great section so pl guide me and show me how can i add somthing new i wait ur response salam alikum
I ask you to react to the subjects as we can encourrager those involved because we see that many subject are seen several times with few answers ( one or two
Please participate with your answers that will enable us to develop the issues and whether there is an effect on those who read that what we ask allah
thank you for you
your sister nor-Islam
سبحان الله و الحمد لله و الله اكبر و لا حول و لا قوة الا بالله
aslalam alikum my dear brothers and sister how are u all first i want to participtae with u in the english section im greatuted of the faculty of education departement of english and i choose this depatement espically to learn how to speack english to talk to non muslim as da3wa so pl help me to achive this goal and to have arole in this great section so pl guide me and show me how can i add somthing new i wait ur response salam alikum
Wa alaykum Assalam wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh
Welcome to our sister in the Islamic Section!
We hope that you benefit from it and benefit your Muslim brothers and sisters with your knowledge.
Ma shaa Allah, you have good potentials that you can utilize in serving Da'wa to Allah.
We need your reaction with the posted topics by reading, commenting, and posting new useful topics.
Actually, this section is specified for posting and discussing about Islamic topics and issues in English. There is a wonderful sub-forum in this section includes dozens of Islamic audio and video materials.
In addition to the aims of this section that you read in this topic, I ask you to read this topic About This Section.
They would help you formulate an image about what should be posted and done in this section.
but why nowadays we just can see a few topics a week?
there is not alot of posts, replies, or maybe visits to this section!
I think this section need some new ideas to activate it again..
maybe a competition will do?, or new aims? new ideas from u -members-?
and I have a Question!:
should this section just be for Islamic Topics.. or maybe change it to a general English Section.. (islam,news,language it self.....etc)
Jazakom Allah Khairan>>
And i hope to see this section as a BEE HIVE ! "what it should be "