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المصطلحات الإنجليزية التي يستعملها الفيس بوك مترجمة إلى العربية

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  • المصطلحات الإنجليزية التي يستعملها الفيس بوك مترجمة إلى العربية

    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

    ‏المصدر‏: login email address
    ‏الترجمة‏: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بتسجيل الدخول
    Glossary: The address user uses to log into Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: download
    ‏الترجمة‏: تنزيل
    Glossary: To download (obtain a copy of) a piece of *******.

    ‏المصدر‏: login notifications
    ‏الترجمة‏: إشعارات تسجيل الدخول
    Glossary: an opt-in security feature that send alerts when your account is being accessed.

    ‏المصدر‏: loyalty deal
    ‏الترجمة‏: صفقة الولاء
    Glossary: A type of deal that becomes available after users have checked into a business a certain number of times.

    ‏المصدر‏: friend deal
    ‏الترجمة‏: صفقة الأصدقاء
    Glossary: A type of Deal that requires users to check in and tag a certain number of friends who are with them. Everyone
    in the group can claim the deal.

    ‏المصدر‏: individual deal
    ‏الترجمة‏: صفقة فردية
    Glossary: A type of Deal that requires one check-in to claim the one-time deal.

    ‏المصدر‏: charity deal
    ‏الترجمة‏: صفقة خيرية
    Glossary: A type of deal where a business will make a donation to a charity of its choice each time the deal is claimed.

    ‏المصدر‏: Open Graph
    ‏الترجمة‏: مخطط مفتوح
    Glossary: A protocol that The Open Graph protocol enables integration of web pages into the social graph.

    ‏المصدر‏: Social Graph
    ‏الترجمة‏: المخطط الاجتماعي
    Glossary: The digital mapping of people's real-world social connections.

    ‏المصدر‏: Instant Personalization
    ‏الترجمة‏: التخصيص الفوري
    Glossary: Instant Personalization lets users see relevant information about their friends the moment they arrive on select
    partner websites.

    ‏المصدر‏: Blackberry
    ‏الترجمة‏: Blackberry
    Glossary: A smart phone brand by RIM.

    ‏المصدر‏: Android
    ‏الترجمة‏: Android
    Glossary: A smart phone brand by Google.

    ‏المصدر‏: iPhone
    ‏الترجمة‏: iPhone
    Glossary: A smart phone brand by Apple.

    ‏المصدر‏: text message
    ‏الترجمة‏: رسالة نصية
    Glossary: Short text messages you can send via SMS on mobile phones.

    ‏المصدر‏: Everyone
    ‏الترجمة‏: الكل
    Glossary: A privacy setting option. The Everyone setting will allow users to show the ******* to anyone on the Internet.

    ‏المصدر‏: Friends Only
    ‏الترجمة‏: الأصدقاء فقط
    Glossary: A privacy setting option. It allow users to show the ******* to their Facebook friends only.

    ‏المصدر‏: Custom
    ‏الترجمة‏: مخصص
    Glossary: A privacy setting option. With Custom settings, users can customize the privacy options in a more granular way.

    ‏المصدر‏: Link
    ‏الترجمة‏: رابط
    Facebook feature. Allow users to post hyperlink of any web ******* to their Facebook profile to share.

    ‏المصدر‏: in an open relationship
    ‏الترجمة‏: في علاقة مفتوحة
    Glossary: Describes a type of relationship with another person.

    ‏المصدر‏: Groups
    ‏الترجمة‏: المجموعات
    Glossary: A Facebook feature, where users can organize different types of groups and share ******* or communicate among members.

    ‏المصدر‏: Friends
    ‏الترجمة‏: أصدقاء
    Glossary: A page on Facebook site, where users can view friend requests and friend lists and invite friends to Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: Events
    ‏الترجمة‏: مناسبات
    Glossary: A Facebook feature where users can plan an event, invite guests, RSVP to an event and share *******.

    ‏المصدر‏: email (message)
    ‏الترجمة‏: رسالة بالبريد الإلكتروني
    Glossary: email message

    ‏المصدر‏: email (account or adddress)
    ‏الترجمة‏: بريد إلكتروني (حساب أو عنوان)
    Glossary: email account/address

    ‏المصدر‏: only me
    ‏الترجمة‏: أنا فقط
    Glossary: Privacy settings option that restricts visibility for a type of ******* to the user who posted the *******.

    ‏المصدر‏: Insights
    ‏الترجمة‏: الرؤى
    Glossary: A detailed reporting on what sort of people are engaging with your Page and how (watching videos, writing comments, etc.).

    ‏المصدر‏: Recommend
    ‏الترجمة‏: ننصح بهذا
    Glossary: A button with which users can indicate that they recommend the piece of information or *******.

    ‏المصدر‏: Public Search
    ‏الترجمة‏: البحث العام
    Glossary: A section in the Privacy Settings where users can control whether people who enter your name in a search engine will see a preview of your Facebook profile.

    ‏المصدر‏: Block Lists
    ‏الترجمة‏: قوائم الحظر
    Glossary: A list of users or applications that users block on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: MMS
    ‏الترجمة‏: رسالة MMS
    Glossary: An abbreviation of Multimedia Messaging Service. It allows the exchange of messages that involves multimedia ******* such as photos and videos.

    ‏المصدر‏: SMS
    ‏الترجمة‏: رسالة SMS
    Glossary: An abbreviation of Short Message Service. It allows the exchange of short text messages.

    ‏المصدر‏: Sports
    ‏الترجمة‏: الرياضة
    Glossary: A section on Basic Info page in Profile. It lists the sports the person plays and favorite sports teams and athletes.

    ‏المصدر‏: Contact Information
    ‏الترجمة‏: معلومات الاتصال
    Glossary: A section on Basic Info page in Profile. It lists the person's contact info.

    ‏المصدر‏: Activities and Interests
    ‏الترجمة‏: النشاطات والاهتمامات
    Glossary: A section on Basic Info page in Profile. It lists the activities the person likes or things the person is interested in.

    ‏المصدر‏: Education and Work
    ‏الترجمة‏: التعليم والعمل
    Glossary: A section on Basic Info page in Profile. It list the person's school and education info.

    ‏المصدر‏: Info
    ‏الترجمة‏: المعلومات
    Glossary: A Profile navigation menu. Shows most basic information about the person such as the education, work and contact info.

    ‏المصدر‏: Most Recent
    ‏الترجمة‏: الأحدث
    Glossary: A homepage navigation at the top of the News Feed. It filters feed stories to show the most recent stories in a chronological order. Users can toggle between Top News and Most Recent.

    ‏المصدر‏: Top News
    ‏الترجمة‏: أهم الأخبار
    Glossary: A homepage navigation at the top of the News Feed. It filters feed stories to show most relevant stories only. Users can toggle between Top News and Most Recent.

    ‏المصدر‏: login
    ‏الترجمة‏: تسجيل الدخول
    (verb) -- to log into your Facebook account.

    ‏المصدر‏: failed
    ‏الترجمة‏: فشل
    Describes a failed action or an error in the system.

    ‏المصدر‏: Deals
    ‏الترجمة‏: الصفقات
    Facebook feature. A "deal" is an offer made by a merchant, encouraging you to visit and check in at their store using Facebook's Places application.

    ‏المصدر‏: check in (verb)
    ‏الترجمة‏: دخل
    To indicate one is at a specific place. See www.facebook.com/places for concept. Please do not include "(verb)" in your translation.

    ‏المصدر‏: check in (noun)
    ‏الترجمة‏: الدخول
    Similar to a "visit" or an indication that someone was at a specific place. See www.facebook.com/places for concept. Please do not include "(noun)" in your translation.

    ‏المصدر‏: Statement of Rights and Responsibilities
    ‏الترجمة‏: بيان الحقوق والمسؤوليات
    ******** containing terms of usage.

    ‏المصدر‏: Likes and Interests
    ‏الترجمة‏: تسجيلات الإعجاب والاهتمامات
    Glossary: Refers to the things you list in your profile that you like or have interest in
    ‏المصدر‏: Arts and Entertainment

    ‏الترجمة‏: فنون وترفيه
    Glossary: A section on Basic Info page in Profile. It lists the music, books, movies, TV programs and games the person likes.

    ‏المصدر‏: Philosophy
    ‏الترجمة‏: الفلسفة
    Glossary: A section on Basic Info page in Profile. It lists the person's political views, religion, people who inspire them and favorite quotation.

    ‏المصدر‏: Places
    ‏الترجمة‏: الأماكن
    Glossary: Facebook feature available on smart phones and touch.site where users can share their location info with those who are at nearby places.

    ‏المصدر‏: Facebook Mobile
    ‏الترجمة‏: فيس بوك موبايل
    Glossary: Refers to Facebook mobile service in general, including m.site, touch.site, mobile apps and sms service.

    ‏المصدر‏: awaiting reply
    ‏الترجمة‏: في انتظار الرد
    Glossary: A status of guests where they haven't responded yes or no to an event invitation yet.

    ‏المصدر‏: poke back
    ‏الترجمة‏: رد النكز
    Glossary: When users are poked by someone, they have an option to poke that person back in return.

    ‏المصدر‏: Canvas
    ‏الترجمة‏: اللوحة
    Glossary: A canvas page is where an application lives on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: Impressions
    ‏الترجمة‏: عدد مرات ظهور الإعلان
    Glossary: A measurement of the performance of online ads. It refers to the number of times the ad was displayed to viewers.

    ‏المصدر‏: coupon
    ‏الترجمة‏: القسيمة
    Glossary: Facebook ad coupons are given out from time to time as part of special promotions. A coupon code is activated through Facebook’s online ad system and then becomes an advertising credit.

    ‏المصدر‏: Facebook Credits
    ‏الترجمة‏: نقاط فيس بوك
    Glossary: A virtual currency used to purchase items on Facebook. Users can purchase additional Facebook Credits at any time.

    ‏المصدر‏: Browse Friendships
    ‏الترجمة‏: تصفح الصداقات
    Glossary: A section on a friendship page. It lists different friendship pages users can view.

    ‏المصدر‏: See Friendship
    ‏الترجمة‏: مشاهدة الصداقة
    Glossary: A navigation text that is linked to the Friendship page where you can see the history of the two people's connection on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: Questions
    ‏الترجمة‏: الأسئلة
    Glossary: Facebook feature where users can post what they want to know or answer other people's questions.

    ‏المصدر‏: Sponsored
    ‏الترجمة‏: مرعية
    Glossary: Label for the ads that are displayed on homepage.

    ‏المصدر‏: Featured
    ‏الترجمة‏: معروض
    Glossary: Label for the ads that are displayed on homepage.

    ‏المصدر‏: Translations
    ‏الترجمة‏: الترجمات
    Name of Translations application

    ‏المصدر‏: messages
    ‏الترجمة‏: رسائل
    Communication between users. On Facebook, unlike on email, there are no forwarding functions or ability to add people to a thread. Messages are a completely private communication.

    ‏المصدر‏: App Center
    ‏الترجمة‏: مركز التطبيقات
    From the App Center, you can browse apps by category, sort apps by rating or explore your recommended apps and games.

    ‏المصدر‏: post
    ‏الترجمة‏: منشور
    ‏المصدر‏: Messenger
    ‏الترجمة‏: Messenger
    A stand-alone mobile app for messaging.

    ‏المصدر‏: Pending Post
    ‏الترجمة‏: منشور معلّق
    Posts that are awaiting the user's approval as to whether they are displayed on his/her timeline or not.

    ‏المصدر‏: Tag Review
    ‏الترجمة‏: مراجعة الإشارة
    A feature where users can review tags friends add to your ******* before they appear on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: Timeline Review
    ‏الترجمة‏: مراجعة اليوميات
    Timeline Review controls whether you have to manually approve posts you're tagged in before they go on your timeline.

    ‏المصدر‏: cover photo
    ‏الترجمة‏: صورة الغلاف
    The large size picture displayed at the top of one's timeline.

    ‏المصدر‏: Ticker
    ‏الترجمة‏: المؤشر
    A real-time stream on the right side of the home page, where friends' various activities (music, apps etc) are displayed.

    ‏المصدر‏: Subscription
    ‏الترجمة‏: الاشتراك
    A feature where users can receive others' public updates in their news feed.

    ‏المصدر‏: subscribe
    ‏الترجمة‏: الاشتراك
    An action to subscribe to someone's public updates. (feature: Subscription)

    ‏المصدر‏: Timeline
    ‏الترجمة‏: الجدول الزمني
    Name of the new Facebook profile. See About page at https://www.facebook.com/about/timeline for description.

    ‏المصدر‏: religious views
    ‏الترجمة‏: آراء دينية
    ‏المصدر‏: relationship status
    ‏الترجمة‏: الحالة الاجتماعية
    Glossary: term refers to your relationship status, whether single, married, etc.

    ‏المصدر‏: profile
    ‏الترجمة‏: الصفحة الشخصية
    Glossary: A facebook profile is the single page that a user creates to represent herself to her friends. Thus, when John looks at Mary's profile, he sees whatever Mary has chosen to represent herself.

    ‏المصدر‏: FAQs
    ‏الترجمة‏: أسئلة متكررة
    Frequently Asked Questions

    ‏المصدر‏: public search listing
    ‏الترجمة‏: سجل البحث العام
    A Public Search Listing on Facebook allows a limited version of a user's profile to be indexed by search engines, so people searching for a particular user's name in Google can find the user's name on Facebook. Public Search Listings are option.

    ‏المصدر‏: request
    ‏الترجمة‏: طلب
    Requests are like notifications, except they additionally require an action on the recipient's part. For example, being invited to an Event requires the invitee to RSVP, so they receive a request.

    ‏المصدر‏: Code Generator
    ‏الترجمة‏: مولّد الرموز
    If you have login approvals turned on, the Code Generator will create a unique code to let you access your account each time you log in from a new computer or phone.

    ‏المصدر‏: Login Approval
    ‏الترجمة‏: موافقة على تسجيل الدخول
    A security feature you can turn on in your security settings. When you turn it on, you'll be prompted to enter a security code each time you try to access your Facebook account from an unrecognized device.

    ‏المصدر‏: Promoted Post
    ‏الترجمة‏: منشور تم الترويج له
    You can promote a post by paying advertisement fees. Promoted posts are displayed higher in news feed so more of the people you shared it with are likely to notice it.

    ‏المصدر‏: Community Page
    ‏الترجمة‏: صفحة مجتمع
    A page category to show that your Page is about an organization, celebrity or topic, but doesn't officially represent it.

    ‏المصدر‏: Support Dashboard
    ‏الترجمة‏: لوحة الإبلاغات
    A tab in Settings page where you can check the status of photos, timelines and profiles you have reported.

    ‏المصدر‏: Admin Panel
    ‏الترجمة‏: لوحة التحكم
    An area at the top of a page you manage, where you can respond to people using your Page and quickly see how your Page is performing.

    ‏المصدر‏: Graph Search
    ‏الترجمة‏: بحث في الرسوم البيانية
    With Graph Search, you can use simple phrases to search for sets of people, places and things that match specific characteristics.

    ‏المصدر‏: Pages Manager
    ‏الترجمة‏: مدير الصفحات
    An application that lets admins check on their Page activity, view insights and respond to their audience from their mobile device.

    ‏المصدر‏: Nearby
    ‏الترجمة‏: بالجوار
    A tab on a mobile site or mobile app that shows nearby places.

    ‏المصدر‏: tracking pixel
    ‏الترجمة‏: بيكسل التعقب
    By placing tracking pixels on a website, you can track specified activities that ahppen on your website as a result of ads that you're running on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: conversion tracking
    ‏الترجمة‏: تعقب التحويل
    Conversion tracking allows you to track activity that happens on your website as a result of someone on Facebook seeing or clicking on your Facebook Ad.

    ‏المصدر‏: custom audience
    ‏الترجمة‏: جمهور مخصص
    Advertisers can create a custom audience representing any group of customers or prospect list that you'd like to reach with targeted Facebook Ads.

    ‏المصدر‏: account group
    ‏الترجمة‏: مجموعة الحساب
    Account Groups allow you to group together, organize and access multiple advertising accounts simultaneously.

    ‏المصدر‏: privacy
    ‏الترجمة‏: الخصوصية
    Glossary: The word privacy is used the majority of the time to refer to the settings a person can select in order to restrict visibility of certain information. There is also the Privacy Policy, which is a legal ********.

    ‏المصدر‏: pop out
    ‏الترجمة‏: تكبير
    Glossary: This term refers to the action of moving your Facebook Chat window outside the frame of your Facebook page.

    ‏المصدر‏: connection
    ‏الترجمة‏: التواصل
    Glossary: Refers to the connections users can establish with Facebook Pages, Events and Apps (by liking a page etc). These connections can be used as conditions in ad targeting.

    ‏المصدر‏: click through rate
    ‏الترجمة‏: نسبة النقرات
    Glossary: The number of clicks an ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown on the site (impressions) in the same time period. Abbreviated as CTR.

    ‏المصدر‏: CPC
    ‏الترجمة‏: الكلفة بحسب عدد النقرات
    Glossary: CPC stands for Cost Per Click. If your ads are bid on a CPC basis, you will be charged when users click on your ads and visit your website.

    ‏المصدر‏: CPM
    ‏الترجمة‏: الكلفة بحسب عدد مرات ظهور الإعلان
    Glossary: CPM stands for Cost Per Thousand Impressions. If your ads are bid on a CPM basis, you will be charged when users view your ads, regardless of whether or not they click on them.

    ‏المصدر‏: clicks
    ‏الترجمة‏: النقرات
    Glossary: The number of times a user clicks on an ad. For a Facebook Page or Event, a click is also counted when a user "likes" a Page or RSVPs to an event.

    ‏المصدر‏: in a domestic partnership
    ‏الترجمة‏: يتشارك في السكن
    Glossary: Describes a type of relationship with another person.

    ‏المصدر‏: in a civil union
    ‏الترجمة‏: متزوج مدنياً
    Glossary: Describes a type of relationship with another person.

    ‏المصدر‏: Sponsored Stories
    ‏الترجمة‏: القصص المرعية
    Glossary: Facebook feature. In addition to Facebook Ads, advertisers can use Sponsored Stories to surface word-of-mouth recommendations about their brand that exist organically in the Facebook News Feed.

    ‏المصدر‏: username
    ‏الترجمة‏: اسم المستخدم
    Glossary: On Facebook, users can get an optional nick name for their Facebook accounts. Usernames are displayed at the end of the profile URLs.

    ‏المصدر‏: settings
    ‏الترجمة‏: إعدادات
    Glossary: A set of values and options users can select for their account.

    ‏المصدر‏: review
    ‏الترجمة‏: رأي
    Glossary: A comment or rating that gives a critical evaluation of businesses, books, music etc.

    ‏المصدر‏: register
    ‏الترجمة‏: تسجيل
    Glossary: (verb) To sign up for an Facebook account.

    ‏المصدر‏: Notifications
    ‏الترجمة‏: إشعارات
    Glossary: A Facebook feature, where users receive updates from Facebook about recent activities on the site.

    ‏المصدر‏: reach block
    ‏الترجمة‏: المجموعة المستهدفة
    Glossary: A type of ad that hits all users in a demographic until the user clicks on it.

    ‏المصدر‏: social %
    ‏الترجمة‏: الاجتماعية %
    Glossary: The percent of impressions where an ad was shown with social context (i.e. with information about a viewer's friend(s) who connected with your Page, Event, or App).

    ‏المصدر‏: social context
    ‏الترجمة‏: مضمون اجتماعي
    Glossary: The social activities of friends showing with an ad.

    ‏المصدر‏: poke
    ‏الترجمة‏: نكز
    Glossary: (verb) To poke someone on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: pop in
    ‏الترجمة‏: تصغير
    Glossary: This term refers to the action of moving your Facebook Chat window within the frame of your Facebook page.

    ‏المصدر‏: message
    ‏الترجمة‏: رسالة
    Glossary: Communication between users.

    ‏المصدر‏: Friends of Friends
    ‏الترجمة‏: أصدقاء الأصدقاء
    Glossary: privacy setting that allows ******* in your profile to be viewable by friends of your friends on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: family request
    ‏الترجمة‏: طلب تأكيد صلة قرابة
    Glossary: When a user lists another user as being a family member (such as sister, mother, father, brother, or child), this generates a request to that user that they must confirm.

    ‏المصدر‏: credit
    ‏الترجمة‏: نقطة
    Glossary: Credits are virtual currency that can be purchased and used around the site, in particular to purchase virtual gifts.

    ‏المصدر‏: comment (verb)
    ‏الترجمة‏: علّق
    Glossary: The act of creating a comment (see noun).

    ‏المصدر‏: comment
    ‏الترجمة‏: تعليق
    Glossary: (noun) When viewing a friend’s ******* (like a photo or note), users can leave a comment, or written observation, on that *******.

    ‏المصدر‏: campaign
    ‏الترجمة‏: الحملة الإعلانية
    Glossary: An Ad Campaign is comprised of a single ad run over a certain period of time. Advertisers can have multiple campaigns.

    ‏المصدر‏: daily budget
    ‏الترجمة‏: الميزانية اليومية
    Glossary: The amount an advertiser is willing to spend on a specific campaign per day.

    ‏المصدر‏: lifetime budget
    ‏الترجمة‏: ميزانية الحملة كلها
    Glossary: The amount an advertiser is willing to spend for the entire period of an ad campaign.

    ‏المصدر‏: funding sources
    ‏الترجمة‏: مصادر التمويل
    Glossary: Credit cards and other payment methods an advertiser has specified for paying for ads.

    ‏المصدر‏: daily spend limit
    ‏الترجمة‏: حد الإنفاق اليومي
    The maximum amount that an advertiser is allowed to spend in one day.

    ‏المصدر‏: Notes
    ‏الترجمة‏: ملاحظات
    Glossary: A Facebook feature, where users can write and share whatever they want.

    ‏المصدر‏: Facebook Connect
    ‏الترجمة‏: التواصل عبر فيس بوك
    Facebook Connect is a way to link a Facebook account to an external website. On that website, the user will then have access to their Facebook *******, as well as being able to post stories and ******* back to their profile.

    ‏المصدر‏: interests
    ‏الترجمة‏: الاهتمامات

    ‏المصدر‏: grad school
    ‏الترجمة‏: دراسات عليا
    this is a U.S. term that refers to advanced professional or academic studies that yield degrees like the Ph.D., the Masters of Science, Masters of Art, or JD (law degree).

    ‏المصدر‏: single
    ‏الترجمة‏: أعزب
    A relationship status, meaning that someone is not in a relationship with another person at this time.

    ‏المصدر‏: Terms of Use
    ‏الترجمة‏: شروط الاستخدام
    ‏المصدر‏: upload
    ‏الترجمة‏: تحميل
    to upload a piece of *******, like a photo or video, to Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: friend request
    ‏الترجمة‏: طلب صداقة
    (noun) A friend request is a request to enter into a mutual friend connection with the requestee on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: status update
    ‏الترجمة‏: تحديث الحالة
    Status updates are a way for users to keep their friends updated on whatever it is they are currently doing, thinking, feeling, etc.

    ‏المصدر‏: notification
    ‏الترجمة‏: إشعار
    Notifications are what users receive when a friend takes an action on them on Facebook. For example, if someone tags John in a photo, John will receive a notification. There are multiple kinds of notifications (and multiple notifications page

    ‏المصدر‏: note
    ‏الترجمة‏: ملاحظة
    Facebook Notes is a Facebook-built application that allows users to keep blogs (called notes in Facebook world) as part of their Facebook accounts.

    ‏المصدر‏: network
    ‏الترجمة‏: شبكة
    Users may join a Facebook network based on a real-world entity like a university or company. They can then choose to make their profiles visible to members of that network.

    ‏المصدر‏: group
    ‏الترجمة‏: مجموعة
    A group on Facebook is a Facebook-built application which allows people to congregate based around shared activities or interests.

    ‏المصدر‏: friend
    ‏الترجمة‏: صديق
    A "friend” on Facebook is a person with whom you have a reciprocal, mutually confirmed connection. All friendships on Facebook must be initiated by one party (through a friend request) and confirmed by the second party.

    ‏المصدر‏: Facebook
    ‏الترجمة‏: فيس بوك
    the proper noun referring to the Facebook website and all affiliated products. The term "Facebook" should not be translated.

    ‏المصدر‏: fan
    ‏الترجمة‏: معجب
    A fan is a user who has expressed a connection to a Facebook Page (representing a business, band, etc). Clicking on "Become a Fan" displays the user as a Fan of that Page.

    ‏المصدر‏: home
    ‏الترجمة‏: الصفحة الرئيسية
    The home page for Facebook is the first page you see upon login. It include News Feed, notifications/requests, and birthday updates.

    ‏المصدر‏: in a relationship
    ‏الترجمة‏: مرتبط
    relationship status that means you are in a romantic relationship with another person.

    ‏المصدر‏: last
    ‏الترجمة‏: الأخيرة
    Link for pagination - as in "last page".

    ‏المصدر‏: Friend Finder
    ‏الترجمة‏: الباحث عن الأصدقاء
    ‏المصدر‏: education
    ‏الترجمة‏: التعليم
    ‏المصدر‏: married
    ‏الترجمة‏: متزوج
    ‏المصدر‏: engaged
    ‏الترجمة‏: مخطوب/مخطوبة
    ‏المصدر‏: Social Ads
    ‏الترجمة‏: إعلانات اجتماعية
    Social Ads are regular advertisements that are paired with social actions to create context for advertisements involving a user's friends.

    ‏المصدر‏: blog
    ‏الترجمة‏: مدونة
    ‏المصدر‏: sign up
    ‏الترجمة‏: تسجيل
    (verb) to register an account on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: Facebook Platform
    ‏الترجمة‏: منصة فيس بوك
    The Facebook Platform is a standards-based web service with methods for accessing and contributing Facebook data. Facebook Platform enables third-parties to build applications on top of Facebook’s core the social graph.

    ‏المصدر‏: password
    ‏الترجمة‏: كلمة السر
    the secret string of letters and/or numbers that allows you to authenticate yourself when logging in to your Facebook account.

    ‏المصدر‏: online status
    ‏الترجمة‏: حالة الاتصال
    this status describes whether or not you are logged into Facebook. If you choose to make your "Online Status" public, your friends can see that you are online. You can also make your "Online Status" private, and your friends will not know whe

    ‏المصدر‏: okay
    ‏الترجمة‏: موافق
    term used to signify consent to an action proposed by a Facebook feature. "Okay" usually appears on a button.

    ‏المصدر‏: listing
    ‏الترجمة‏: قائمة المعروضات
    (noun) -- a listing is an entry in the Facebook Marketplace announcing that an item is for sale or exchange.

    ‏المصدر‏: logout
    ‏الترجمة‏: خروج
    (verb) -- to log out of your Facebook account.

    ‏المصدر‏: join
    ‏الترجمة‏: انضم
    to join a group
    ‏المصدر‏: college
    ‏الترجمة‏: كلية
    This is a U.S. term that refers to higher education that is pursued after secondary school but before professional training occurs. College students are usually aged 18-22.

    ‏المصدر‏: browse
    ‏الترجمة‏: تصفح
    to look through a set of objects, such as events, to select one you like.

    ‏المصدر‏: bid
    ‏الترجمة‏: المبلغ الأقصى
    A bid is the maximum amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay per click or impression when using Facebook Ads.

    ‏المصدر‏: badge
    ‏الترجمة‏: شارة
    a Facebook profile badge allows you to post a link to your Facebook profile on any website or email.

    ‏المصدر‏: back
    ‏الترجمة‏: عودة
    Link for pagination - as in "back to previous page".

    ‏المصدر‏: attending
    ‏الترجمة‏: ينوي الحضور
    RSVP status that means a person plans to attend an event.

    ‏المصدر‏: attachment
    ‏الترجمة‏: مرفق
    a piece of ******* that is attached to a wall post or message.

    ‏المصدر‏: application
    ‏الترجمة‏: تطبيق
    An application is anything built on top of the social graph through Facebook platform. Users manually add applications to their accounts. Most Facebook-built applications are pre-added to users' accounts.

    ‏المصدر‏: add
    ‏الترجمة‏: إضافة
    (verb) -- refers to the action of adding an Application to your profile. Can also refer to adding a photo to an album, or adding a friend to your list of friends.

    ‏المصدر‏: account
    ‏الترجمة‏: حساب
    A Facebook account is the sum total of all the information a user owns on Facebook, including the login and password information, the profile, the privacy settings, etc.

    ‏المصدر‏: Wall-to-Wall
    ‏الترجمة‏: حائط إلى حائط
    "Wall-to-Wall" is a Facebook feature that allows you to see the history of wall posts between two friends.

    ‏المصدر‏: wall post
    ‏الترجمة‏: منشور الحائط
    a message written on a Wall.

    ‏المصدر‏: officer
    ‏الترجمة‏: مراقب
    an "officer" in a Facebook group has a title but does not have any administrative powers over the group. Only the group administrator has administrative powers to modify the group.

    ‏المصدر‏: discussion board
    ‏الترجمة‏: ساحة الحوار
    A discussion board is a place where Facebook users can post and reply to discussion topics. Discussion boards appear on groups, events, and Pages.

    ‏المصدر‏: skip
    ‏الترجمة‏: تخطي
    to skip and go on to the next page.

    ‏المصدر‏: tag
    ‏الترجمة‏: إشارة
    (noun) -- a photo tag, video tag, or note tag. A tag is a link to the profile of someone who appears in the photo, video, or note.

    ‏المصدر‏: concentration
    ‏الترجمة‏: التخصص
    this term refers to a student's primary course of study, or the subject matter that the student is primarily focusing on.

    ‏المصدر‏: employer
    ‏الترجمة‏: جهة العمل
    ‏المصدر‏: discography
    ‏الترجمة‏: الإصدرات الفنية
    Discography is a Facebook-built application specifically for Facebook Pages for bands. It allows fans track the history of a band's albums.

    ‏المصدر‏: degree
    ‏الترجمة‏: الدرجة العلمية
    the completion of a course of study in a particular subject area in school.

    ‏المصدر‏: report
    ‏الترجمة‏: إبلاغ
    (verb) -- to report a piece of spam or other offensive ******* on Facebook to the Facebook administrators, who will then remove the ******* if it violates Facebook Terms of Use.

    ‏المصدر‏: record
    ‏الترجمة‏: تسجيل
    (verb) to record a video using the Facebook Video feature.

    ‏المصدر‏: optional
    ‏الترجمة‏: اختياري
    this term is used to refer to fields that do not require users to enter information.

    ‏المصدر‏: online
    ‏الترجمة‏: متصل
    being "online" means that you are listing yourself as available to chat using the Facebook Chat feature.

    ‏المصدر‏: offline
    ‏الترجمة‏: غير متصل
    setting that allows you not to appear online within the Facebook Chat feature. Being offline means that friends will not be able to send instant messages to you on Facebook while your status is set to "offline".

    ‏المصدر‏: address book
    ‏الترجمة‏: دفتر العناوين
    the address book within your email account that stores the email addresses of all your contacts and friends.

    ‏المصدر‏: next
    ‏الترجمة‏: التالي
    a pagination link allowing you to proceed to the next photo, video, or set of search results.

    ‏المصدر‏: not attending
    ‏الترجمة‏: لن يحضر
    RSVP status for an event indicating that the user is not planning to attend that event.

    ‏المصدر‏: story
    ‏الترجمة‏: حدث
    a News Feed or Mini-Feed story about a user's activity on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: track
    ‏الترجمة‏: مقطع موسيقي
    a music track.

    ‏المصدر‏: Mobile Texts
    ‏الترجمة‏: رسائل الهاتف المحمول
    ‏المصدر‏: Publisher
    ‏الترجمة‏: الناشر
    The Publisher or Publisher box is the component of the Wall tab that allows you to add ******* to a Wall.

    ‏المصدر‏: Music Player
    ‏الترجمة‏: مشغل الموسيقى
    Music Player is a Facebook built application specifically for Facebook Pages for bands and artists. It allows artists to upload music to their pages such that their fans can listen to it directly from the Page.

    ‏المصدر‏: Mobile Phone
    ‏الترجمة‏: الهاتف المحمول
    ‏المصدر‏: Gifts
    ‏الترجمة‏: هدايا
    Facebook Gifts is a Facebook-built application which allows users to send icons to each other's profiles for a cost of approximately 1 USD.

    ‏المصدر‏: Mobile Web
    ‏الترجمة‏: متصفح الهاتف المحمول
    ‏المصدر‏: Mobile Services
    ‏الترجمة‏: خدمات الهاتف المحمول
    ‏المصدر‏: Mobile Clients
    ‏الترجمة‏: عملاء الهاتف المحمول
    ‏المصدر‏: Wall
    ‏الترجمة‏: الحائط
    the Wall is a place on every person’s profile where their friends can leave public messages to be read by everyone else who views the profile page.

    ‏المصدر‏: Search
    ‏الترجمة‏: بحث
    Search is used to find people (or groups of people) through an indexed search engine. All subcategories of search include the word search as well, including Advanced Search, Classmate Search and Coworker Search.

    ‏المصدر‏: Page
    ‏الترجمة‏: صفحة
    Is the equivalent of a user profile but for companies, bands, businesses, etc. Please note the capital 'P'.

    ‏المصدر‏: Share
    ‏الترجمة‏: المشاركة
    The Share Functionality allows users to pass on interesting ******* from the internet through Facebook. “Sharing” something on Facebook is usually the action of sharing a link of some sort.

    ‏المصدر‏: Recently Updated
    ‏الترجمة‏: تمّ التحديث مؤخراً
    Refers to a piece of ******* (such as a photo album) that was recently modified or edited.

    ‏المصدر‏: work info
    ‏الترجمة‏: بيانات العمل
    section of the profile where you can list information about where you have worked.

    ‏المصدر‏: user
    ‏الترجمة‏: مستخدم
    The (singular) word to describe a Facebook user

    ‏المصدر‏: Photos
    ‏الترجمة‏: صور
    Facebook Photos is a Facebook-built application which allows people to upload an unlimited number of photos and link them to their account.

    ‏المصدر‏: politician
    ‏الترجمة‏: سياسي
    (Related to politics application)

    ‏المصدر‏: Polls
    ‏الترجمة‏: استطلاعات
    Facebook Polls are a Facebook feature with which people can purchase space in the News Feed in order to ask questions of users, and receive statistical information about the answers.

    ‏المصدر‏: Advertising Guidelines
    ‏الترجمة‏: إرشادات الإعلان
    These are the rules Facebook requests advertisers respect when creating ad materials. Following these guidelines make ads more likely to be approved.

    ‏المصدر‏: Help Center
    ‏الترجمة‏: مركز المساعدة
    The help center is the area of the site dedicated to answering frequently asked questions. It is where users can go to find help and support.

    ‏المصدر‏: Facebook Ad
    ‏الترجمة‏: إعلانات فيس بوك
    Facebook feature. Advertisements allow companies to market their brand or product on Facebook, for purposes of increasing customer engagement with the product.

    ‏المصدر‏: Facebook Insights
    ‏الترجمة‏: رؤى فيس بوك
    Name of Facebook Target marketing Product.

    ‏المصدر‏: Code of Conduct
    ‏الترجمة‏: قواعد السلوك
    ‏المصدر‏: Unlike
    ‏الترجمة‏: إلغاء إعجابي
    Facebook feature. A Link on an object. If clicked, user is removed from the list of people who like the object.

    ‏المصدر‏: Like
    ‏الترجمة‏: أعجبني
    Facebook feature (aka: awesome button). A Link on an object. If clicked, user is added to the list of people who like the object.

    ‏المصدر‏: Mobile Photo
    ‏الترجمة‏: صورة من الهاتف المحمول
    Photo uploaded to Facebook from a mobile phone.

    ‏المصدر‏: Mobile Video
    ‏الترجمة‏: فيديو من الهاتف المحمول
    Video uploaded from a mobile phone.

    ‏المصدر‏: friend detail
    ‏الترجمة‏: تفاصيل الصديق
    an optional feature that allows you to add details about how you know a friend on your friend list.

    ‏المصدر‏: Security Check
    ‏الترجمة‏: الاختبار الأمني
    this term refers to the process of asking users to verify themselves by typing in the letters displayed as an image in a box.

    ‏المصدر‏: Screen name
    ‏الترجمة‏: الاسم المستعار
    a screen name used for an instant message application like AIM, MSN, Gchat, etc.

    ‏المصدر‏: Reviews
    ‏الترجمة‏: الآراء
    The Reviews Application is a Facebook-built application for Facebook Pages. Using Reviews, fans and customers can leave honest opinions about a business. Reviews let prospective fans know what to expect with a business, and can influence people

    ‏المصدر‏: ad
    ‏الترجمة‏: إعلان
    ‏المصدر‏: list
    ‏الترجمة‏: إدراج
    (verb) meaning to list an item in Marketplace.

    ‏المصدر‏: contact info
    ‏الترجمة‏: معلومات الاتصال
    profile field where a user lists their contact information, such as phone number, instant message screenname, etc.

    ‏المصدر‏: click
    ‏الترجمة‏: اضغط
    term used for the action of clicking on a link.

    ‏المصدر‏: activities
    ‏الترجمة‏: نشاطات
    profile field that allows users to list their favorite activities.

    ‏المصدر‏: News Feed
    ‏الترجمة‏: آخر الأخبار
    News Feed is a constantly updating list of stories about actions a user's friends have taken on and off Facebook (though mostly on Facebook). News Feed selects the best and most interesting stories to show a user, rather than showing them ever

    ‏المصدر‏: view
    ‏الترجمة‏: عرض
    clicking on "view" allows you to see a piece of *******.

    ‏المصدر‏: caption
    ‏الترجمة‏: شرح
    a text description written to accompany a photo

    ‏المصدر‏: profile picture
    ‏الترجمة‏: الصورة الشخصية
    ‏المصدر‏: photo
    ‏الترجمة‏: صورة
    (noun, not application name)

    ‏المصدر‏: Mini-Feed
    ‏الترجمة‏: موجز الأخبار
    Mini-Feed is a list of recent actions that a user has taken on and off Facebook. Mini-Feed updates as users take public actions (ones that can be seen by other people, things like search or messaging do not go in Mini-Feed)

    ‏المصدر‏: Inbox
    ‏الترجمة‏: البريد الوارد
    The Inbox is where all messages, updates, and notifications are stored.

    ‏المصدر‏: event
    ‏الترجمة‏: مناسبة
    (noun, not application name)

    ‏المصدر‏: blog post
    ‏الترجمة‏: منشور مدونة
    ‏المصدر‏: Privacy Settings
    ‏الترجمة‏: إعدادات الخصوصية
    ‏المصدر‏: create
    ‏الترجمة‏: إنشاء
    (verb) -- to create a photo album, group, event, or other piece of ******* on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: first
    ‏الترجمة‏: الأولى
    term used when paginating through a list of photos, videos, or search results. "First" is a link that takes you to the first page of *******.

    ‏المصدر‏: maybe attending
    ‏الترجمة‏: قد أحضر
    an RSVP status for an event that means that you are not sure whether you will be attending an event or not.

    ‏المصدر‏: Limited Profile
    ‏الترجمة‏: صفحة شخصية محدودة المعلومات
    a version of your profile in which some items are not displayed for privacy reasons. You can then select which people you want to view only your Limited Profile, rather than the full profile with all ******* displayed.

    ‏المصدر‏: hide
    ‏الترجمة‏: إخفاء
    option to hide a piece of ******* from view.

    ‏المصدر‏: group invitation
    ‏الترجمة‏: دعوة للانضمام إلى مجموعة
    invitation to join a group on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: friend detail request
    ‏الترجمة‏: طلب تفاصيل صداقة
    request from a friend to list a detail about how you know each other.

    ‏المصدر‏: email address
    ‏الترجمة‏: عنوان البريد الإلكتروني
    an address where you receive electronic mail.

    ‏المصدر‏: edit
    ‏الترجمة‏: تعديل
    verb used to describe modifying or editing a profile, album, or other piece of ******* on Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: creator
    ‏الترجمة‏: منشئ
    the title given to the person who creates a Facebook group.

    ‏المصدر‏: conversation
    ‏الترجمة‏: محادثة
    a thread of messages under one subject line sent and received through the Facebook Message feature.

    ‏المصدر‏: classmate
    ‏الترجمة‏: زميل دراسة
    a person that you attended school with.

    ‏المصدر‏: Chat
    ‏الترجمة‏: دردشة
    a Facebook feature that allows you to send and receive instant messages with friends who are also logged into Facebook.

    ‏المصدر‏: upcoming
    ‏الترجمة‏: قادمة
    this term refers to events that are occurring in the near future.

    ‏المصدر‏: updated
    ‏الترجمة‏: محدّث
    this term refers to the fact that a piece of ******* (such as a photo or group) has been modified, edited, or added to.

    ‏المصدر‏: it's…complicated
    ‏الترجمة‏: الأمر معقد
    a relationship status that means that you are in a complicated relationship with another person.

    ‏المصدر‏: Mobile Uploads
    ‏الترجمة‏: ملفات من الهاتف المحمول

  • #2
    رد: المصطلحات الإنجليزية التي يستعملها الفيس بوك مترجمة إلى العربية

    جزاك الله خيرا على المعلومات القيمه


    • #3
      رد: المصطلحات الإنجليزية التي يستعملها الفيس بوك مترجمة إلى العربية

      جزانا وأياكم


      • #4
        رد: المصطلحات الإنجليزية التي يستعملها الفيس بوك مترجمة إلى العربية

        جزاكم الله الجنة
        وجعلكم ذخرا لهذه الامه

