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:: حصريا:: اقوى مضاد للفيروسات الشهير كاسبر 2014 Kaspersky Internet Security

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  • :: حصريا:: اقوى مضاد للفيروسات الشهير كاسبر 2014 Kaspersky Internet Security

    ان الحمد لله نحمده و نشكره و نستعـينه و نستـغفره و نعـود بالله

    مـن شـرور أنـفسنا و من سيـئات أعمالنا .. من يـهده الله فلا مظل لـه و مـن يظـلل فلن تـجد له ولياًمرشدا ..
    و أشـهد ان لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له و أشهد أن محــمداً عبده و رسـوله صــلى الله عليه و
    سلم و على آله و صحبه أجمعين و من تبعهم بإحسـان إلى يوم الدين ..
    ربنا لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك
    أنت العليم الـخـبــيـر .. ربـنـا لا فــهم لـنا إلا ما فهــمتنا إنــك أنـت الجــواد الـكـريـم .ربـي اشرح لي صــدري و يســر لي أمــري و احــلل عقــدة من لســاني يفقــهوا قــولي ..
    فإن أصــدق الحــديث كــتاب الله تعــالى و خير الــهدي هــديُ محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم ..و شــر الأمــور مــحدثــاتها و كــل محــدثة بدعة و كل بدعـة ظـلالة و كل ظـلالة فــي النار فاللــهم أجــرنا و قــنا عذابــها برحمتــك يا أرحــم الراحميــن

    اهلا بكم اخوانى محبى هذا المنتدى الرائع الطريق الى الله ..

    اقدم لكم برنامج

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2014

    برنامج كاسبر سكاى انترنت سكيورتى ٢٠١٤ Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 يقدم لك الحماية الشاملة ضد جميع انواع الفيروسات و التروجان و الديدان و الملفات الضارة بحيث يتميز الكاسبر بقوته على الفيروسات و كشفها بسرعة كبيرة و القضاء عليها و اليوم اقدم لكم الكاسبر بإصداره الجديد لتوفر لجهازك الأمان من خطر الفيروسات و الاختراق و بذلك تضمن خصوصياتك و سـلامة ملفاتك المهمـة و هذا بوجود الجدار النـاري القـوي الذي يتصدى لأي محاولة اختراق لجهازك من طرف الهكرز و الكاسبر برنامج Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 معروف جدا لإمكانياته القوية في الحماية من الفيروسات و له الملايين من المستخدمين في العالم.

    Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 Beta keeps your PC safe from all viruses and Internet threats. It is a full security solution that rigorously protects your files and your identity from cyber criminals and the latest malware attacks. By combining cloud-based functionality and powerful security technologies that run on your PC, Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 delivers more effective defences against today’s increasingly complex threats – so you’re able to enjoy the Internet, while Kaspersky protects you, your PC and your children. In addition to including all of the features offered by Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2014, Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 delivers many innovative, new technologies that are essential to defending you against sophisticated threats on the Internet. With Safe Money, Secure Keyboard and other unique features, Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 does more to help ensure you can get the best out of the Internet… without compromising your safety. Detects new, emerging and unknown threats
    The cloud-based Kaspersky Security Network gathers data from millions of participating users’ systems around the world… to help defend you from the very latest viruses and malware attacks. Potential threats are monitored and analysed – in real-time – and dangerous actions are completely blocked before they can cause any harm.
    Identifies suspicious websites and phishing websites
    Advanced anti-phishing technologies proactively detect fraudulent URLs and use real-time information from the cloud, to help ensure you’re not tricked into disclosing your valuable data to phishing websites. Our URL Advisor also adds colour-coded tags to all web links – to advise you of the danger level of the link and subsequent pages.
    Delivers greater security for online shopping and banking
    Kaspersky Internet Security has always included additional layers of security that help to keep your information safe during online transactions. Now, with the introduction of our unique Safe Money technology, you benefit from even greater protection. Safe Money automatically checks that the website you’re visiting is secure – and it also offers to open the website in a special, protected mode… to help keep your credit card number and other personal data safe from cyber thieves.
    Protects your privacy and your digital identity
    Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 provides a wide range of technologies to protect your privacy and your identity – including two unique security features for entering personal information online:
    * Secure Keyboard is a new Kaspersky technology that automatically activates whenever you open a bank website or payment website – or you enter a password within any web page – to ensure that information you enter using your physical keyboard can’t be accessed by keyloggers
    * For our ultimate protection, Kaspersky’s improved Virtual Keyboard feature allows you to use mouse-clicks to enter your banking information – so that keystrokes can’t be tracked or stolen by keyloggers, hackers or identity thieves
    Keeps your children safe and responsible
    Award-winning family protection features help you to keep your children safe and also give you greater control over your children’s access to the PC, the Internet, applications, games and websites. You can block, limit or log your children’s Instant Messaging and social network communications – and block the transfer of private data, such as phone or credit card numbers.
    Prevents malware from exploiting vulnerabilities in your PC
    If your PC has application or system vulnerabilities that haven’t been updated with the latest fixes, cyber criminals and malware could gain entry. In addition to scanning for vulnerabilities, Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 analyses and controls the actions of programs that have vulnerabilities – so they can’t cause any harm.
    Automatic download and installation features – save you time and effort
    Installation now requires far fewer manual steps. When you first download the product from our website, it automatically checks for the latest product version – disinfects existing malware, if necessary – and then starts the installation.
    Compatible with Windows 8
    Kaspersky Internet Security 2014 is fully compatible with Microsoft’s latest operating system – Windows 8 – and is integrated with Microsoft’s latest IT security innovations. In addition, Kaspersky Now – a new application that has been developed to support Microsoft’s new user interface – lets you monitor your PC’s security status and launch vital security features.


  • #2
    رد: :: حصريا:: اقوى مضاد للفيروسات الشهير كاسبر 2014 Kaspersky Internet Security

    حملية صحينى لصلاة الفجر ..شكرا

    سارع بحجز نسختك المجانية!! برنامج حقيبة المسلم


    • #3
      رد: :: حصريا:: اقوى مضاد للفيروسات الشهير كاسبر 2014 Kaspersky Internet Security

      جـــــــــــــــــزاكم الله خـــــــــــــــــيرا


      • #4
        رد: :: حصريا:: اقوى مضاد للفيروسات الشهير كاسبر 2014 Kaspersky Internet Security

        جزاك الله خيراااا


        • #5
          رد: :: حصريا:: اقوى مضاد للفيروسات الشهير كاسبر 2014 Kaspersky Internet Security


