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اقدم لكم
برنامج sound normalizer لرفع صوت الاناشيد mp3
احدث و اروع إصدار لبرنامج رفع اصوات الـ MP3
صور البرنامج
Sound Normalizer 3.99.7 Final | 6.2 MB
The Sound Normalizer improves and regains a quality of Mp3 and Wav files. It is reached by the test and normalization of the level volume of Mp3 and Wav files. The Sound Normalizer contains batch processor and it allows to fulfill the batch test, batch normalization and batch converting Mp3 and Wav files. The Sound Normalizer allows to fulfill the test and normalization separately for each channel.
تحميل البرنامج
أخوكم Abdullah-Albani