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حصريآ :: برنامج Eraser لحذف الملفات نهائياً والمساحات الحرة بالأقراص

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  • حصريآ :: برنامج Eraser لحذف الملفات نهائياً والمساحات الحرة بالأقراص

    ان الحمد لله نحمده و نشكره و نستعـينه و نستـغفره و نعـود بالله
    مـن شـرور أنـفسنا و من سيـئات أعمالنا .. من يـهده الله فلا مظل لـه و مـن يظـلل فلن تـجد له ولياًمرشدا ..
    و أشـهد ان لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له و أشهد أن محــمداً عبده و رسـوله صــلى الله عليه و
    سلم و على آله و صحبه أجمعين و من تبعهم بإحسـان إلى يوم الدين ..
    ربنا لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك
    أنت العليم الـخـبــيـر .. ربـنـا لا فــهم لـنا إلا ما فهــمتنا إنــك أنـت الجــواد الـكـريـم .ربـي اشرح لي صــدري و يســر لي أمــري و احــلل عقــدة من لســاني يفقــهوا قــولي ..
    فإن أصــدق الحــديث كــتاب الله تعــالى و خير الــهدي هــديُ محمد صلى الله عليه و سلم ..و شــر الأمــور مــحدثــاتها و كــل محــدثة بدعة و كل بدعـة ظـلالة و كل ظـلالة فــي النار فاللــهم أجــرنا و قــنا عذابــها برحمتــك يا أرحــم الراحميــن

    اهلا بكم اخوانى محبى هذا المنتدى الرائع الطريق الى الله ..

    أقدم لكم برنامج


    ما هو دور هذا البرنامج؟

    هل لديك بيانات سرية على قرص جهازك الصلب، وأردت حذفها؟. وإن حذفتها هل تعلم بأنه بإمكان غيرك أن يسترجعها حتى بعد الحذف (وحتى بعد إفراغ سلة المحذوفات). وتسمى تلك بخاصية بقاء البيانات على القرص، حيث أنه عند حذف البيانات بالطريقة الاعتيادية فستبقى البيانات موجود على قرص التخزين ولكن لا يمكن الوصول لها عن طريق جهاز الحاسب إلا باستخدام بعض البرامج المتخصصة في استرجاع البيانات المحذوفة، والتي يستفاد منها في استرجاع البيانات المحذوفة بشكل غير مقصود أو بالخطأ . لذا جاء برنامج Eraser ليقوم بحل هذه المشكلة. فبعد اليوم لن تقلق أبداً تجاه خصوصيتك وستضمن عدم استرجاع بياناتك السرية المحذوفة، وذلك بطريقة سهلة جداً وفعالة.


    Eraser is an advanced security tool for Windows which allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns. Eraser is currently supported under Windows XP (with Service Pack 3), Windows Server 2003 (with Service Pack 2), Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Eraser is Free software and its source code is released under GNU General Public License.
    Most people have some data that they would rather not share with others - passwords, personal information, classified ********s from work, financial records, self-written poems, the list can be continued forever. Perhaps you have saved some of this information on your computer where it is conveniently at your reach, but when the time comes to remove the data from your hard disk, things get a bit more complicated and maintaining your privacy is not as simple as it may have seemed at first.

    Your first thought may be that when you 'delete' the file, the data is gone. Not quite, when you delete a file, the operating system does not really remove the file from the disk; it only removes the reference of the file from the file system table. The file remains on the disk until another file is created over it, and even after that, it might be possible to recover data by studying the magnetic fields on the disk platter surface.
    Before the file is overwritten, anyone can easily retrieve it with a disk maintenance or an undelete utility. There are several problems in secure file removal, mostly caused by the use of write cache, construction of the hard disk and the use of data encoding. These problems have been taken into consideration when Eraser was designed, and because of this intuitive design and a simple user interface, you can safely and easily erase private data from your hard drive.
    Eraser Features:
    • It works with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Server 2008.
    o Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000 can still be used with version 5.7!
    • It works with any drive that works with Windows
    • Secure drive erasure methods are supported out of the box
    • Erases files, folders and their previous deleted counterparts
    • Works with an extremely customisable Scheduler

    Changes in Eraser 6.0.9:
    - Fixed ********ation errors when adding new tasks
    - Fixed fatal errors when erasing files which the current user do not have access to
    - Fixed updater with the change in server
    - Fixed bug in monthly schedules
    - Implementation suggestion by Jackjack that the title of balloon tips should be "Task Completed" and not "Task Executed" for clarity in #388.
    - ******** working around UAC to erase unused disk space.
    - Fixed bug in scheduler where tasks will only be run once per Eraser start up even if the schedule should have been triggered
    - Fixed memory leak when the Unlocker feature was enabled.
    - Fixed some cases where file unlocking would still not allow a file to be unlocked for erasure.
    - Fixed a situation where by a task would be initiated from the Explorer context menu and when Eraser was not running. Under some situations, the task will run but the UI will not reflect that.
    - Fixed a crash when using the Unlocker code from Windows Vista.

    Homepage - http://eraser.heidi.ie
    Size: 8.67 MB




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