
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

Three things 2

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Three things 2

    In the name of allah
    peace be upon you my brothers and sisters ,here i will complete the six things we have started before



    traditions of your fathers and family: to say that i will not change what i have seen who are older than me doing , remember that
    allah said

    Sahih International
    And when it is said to them, "Follow what Allah has revealed," they say, "Rather, we will follow that which we found our fathers doing." Even though their fathers understood nothing, nor were they guided?

    Tafsir al-Jalalayn
    And when it is said to them, the disbelievers, ‘Follow what God has revealed’, pertaining to affirmation of God’s Oneness and the good things that He has made lawful, they say, ‘No; but we follow what we found our fathers doing’, in the way of idol-worship, deeming unlawful the camel let loose, and [practising] the slitting of the camel’s ear (sc. bahīra). God says: What? (the hamza [of a-wa-law] is for repudiation), do they follow them, Even if their fathers do not understand anything, concerning religion, and they were not guided?, to the truth


    dreams : to say that allah told me to do ........this is wrong , like the one who said that prifit mohammed came to him while he was awake.


    the quran and the sunna : and this is the most important level , after you clear anything from the previous 5 things you should ener it this level to see what islam oreder in this thing.

    in surat al baqarah allah said

    Sahih International
    Say, [O Muhammad], "If you should love Allah , then follow me, [so] Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Forgiving and Merciful."

    Tafsir al-Jalalayn
    When they said, ‘We only worship idols out of our love for God, that they might bring us close to Him’, the following was revealed: Say, O Muhammad (s), ‘If you love God, follow me, and God will love you, meaning that He will reward you, and forgive you your sins; God is Forgiving, as regards the sins, committed previously, by one who [now] follows me; Merciful, to him

    in surat al hashr allah said

    Sahih International
    And what Allah restored to His Messenger from the people of the towns - it is for Allah and for the Messenger and for [his] near relatives and orphans and the [stranded] traveler - so that it will not be a perpetual distribution among the rich from among you. And whatever the Messenger has given you - take; and what he has forbidden you - refrain from. And fear Allah ; indeed, Allah is severe in penalty.

    Tafsir al-Jalalayn
    Whatever spoils God has given to His Messenger from the people of the towns, such as al-Safrā’, Wādī al-Qurā and Yanbu‘, belong to God, dispensing with it as He will, and to the Messenger and to the near of kin, the Prophet’s kin, from among the Banū Hāshim and the Banū al-Muttālib, and the orphans, the [orphaned] children of Muslims, those whose parents have died and who are impoverished, and the needy, those Muslims in need, and the traveller, the Muslim who may be cut off [from all resources] on a remote journey: in other words, they [these spoils] are the due of the Prophet (s) and [those of] the four categories, divided up in the way that he used to, where each category received a fifth of the fifth, with the rest being his [the Prophet’s], so that these, the spoils — this being the justification for the division of these [spoils] in this way, do not (kay-lā: kay functions like lā with a following implied an [sc. an-lā]) become a thing circulating, handed round, between the rich among you. And whatever the Messenger gives you, of spoils or otherwise, take it; and whatever he forbids you, abstain [from it]. And fear God. Surely God is severe in retribution.

    i hope that you have got benefit from these simple words

    peace be upon you
    لا اله الا الله

  • #2
    رد: Three things 2

    Allah Reward You The Goodness
    لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
    سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم
    ابطال فلسطين ( الاسطورة يحيى عياش )

