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What If The Tables Were Turned?

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • What If The Tables Were Turned?

    What if the tables were turned and a woman was permitted to marry more than one partner???

    The simple answer is, this would lead to commotion and Man's destruction. Firstly, a woman
    cannot be assured that her multiple partners will not require to fulfill their conjugal needs
    at the same time, a situation she will be unable to tolerate and is physically incapable of.

    Secondly, in the event of pregnancy, the determination of the child's father will be a source of
    uproar and possible violence amongst the several husbands.

    Thirdly, such an arrangement, on a long term basis would give rise to different shades
    of hostility and perhaps hatred towards the child or children.

    Furthermore,the females natural bashful self and inborn modesty does not make room
    for more than one husband,this would be conflicting to her inherent disposition(nature).

    It is statistically known that there are more women than men,thus the natural order of the
    world's population does not make multiple partners for for one female possible. Perhaps
    this is the very reason we find there are more women than men.

    Besides,imagine more than one partners messy habits to put up with,
    no thanks and thanks to Allah!1
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة loving Islam; الساعة 24-07-2009, 11:51 PM. سبب آخر: correcting a typo

  • #2
    JAK sister for this great reflecting topic
    اللهم أرزقنى الشهادة على أعتاب الاقصى التى يُمزق فيها قلبي ليُجمع به فى رحابك وخذ من دمى حتى ترضى .. أسالكم الدعاء

    تعرف على المسجد الاقصى

