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The 5th Msg: The paradise of "Moraqaba"

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  • The 5th Msg: The paradise of "Moraqaba"

    The 5th Msg: The paradise of "Moraqaba"
    الكاتب/ Sheikh Hany Helmy 21/11/2009 In the name of Allah the Most Beneficent, Most Merciful

    And may peace and blessings be upon the prophet, his family, his companions, and the ones that follow his path
    My beloved in Allah,

    I ask Allah the Al-Mighty to grant us with help, gauidance, and rightness. I also ask Him to make all our deeds purely for his sake, retain on us the sweetness of worship, allow us to enter the paradise of life before even the paradise of the hereafter. We ask him to give us the pleasure of seeing his noble face without harm nor a straying affliction.

    My beloved,

    I feel that you are not yet concentrating, am I rightly guessing?

    I feel that there’s a missing ring among people, and what is required from them in these blessed ten day is not clearly seen…

    Is that the effect of negligence?? Or is it that you didn’t prepare for these days?? Will you let it split from our hands without any consideration?? Did people get so busy with football and the events going on around it than getting closer to Allah with worship?? Is it a general crisis that the nation passes by due to the lethal diseases, and the defeated character that we suffer from, or is it because of depression and desperation?

    Why am I seeing you in this status?? Yes there are efforts, and there are people trying, but I don’t feel that it is the required level. Am I singing away from the bevy?? Or do I have to walk with it in the way of straying??

    O’ slaves of Allah, wake up !!

    We are in the ten most honorable days.

    My beloved,
    Let’s be awakened by entering a paradise which teaches us how to get nearer to Allah the Al-Mighty, and to make our hearts feel what should be felt. It’s the paradise of

    “Moraqaba” (feeling that Allah is watching you every second).

    To all of you who read my Message, take the lesson for the negligent hearts.
    It was mentioned in the Helya (biographies) [235/1] that Mohammad Ibn Ali Al-Termethi said:“ watch this who never quits watching you, and be thankful to this who never cuts his blessings on you, and make your obedience to this whom you never can out of his ownership and authority”Allah is watching you, how will He find you??
    Abd Allah Ibn Fattak said:“if you are negligent then watch how Allah is watching you, before you spell out any word watch how Allah is hearing you, and when you are silent then look how Allah knows your inward thoughts Allah the Al-Mighty said: Fear not, verily I am with you both, hearing and seeing.”

    Do you understand?? He hears our talks now, what are you saying??Is it (Subhan Allah [Glory be to Allah], Alhamdulillah [All praise is due to Allah], La ilaha illa Allah [There is no god except Allah], and Allahu Akbar [Allah is the Greatest]) Allah sees everything then where are you looking?? (whoever wants to be pleased with Allah and his prophet’s love shall read and look in the Qura’n)
    Look then at the effects (results) of Allah's Mercy”

    And this is a dangerous test of faith.

    How many times Allah crosses your mind in a fearful, bashful, or lovable manner?? Give me a percentage.

    How many times did you leave something that Allah the Al-Mighty doesn’t love because you fear him, or feel shy from him, or even love him??

    How many times did you prefer Allah’s satisfaction on your desire and strived –as I asked from you yesterday- for the sake of Allah fearing from your god, lord and beloved??

    There are three bases upon which “Moraqaba” depend:

    In the Helya [94-93/10] Al-Hareth Al-Mohasabe said: “Al-Moraqaba depend on three bases, depending on who one thinks and knows his lord”

    One of them is: fearing Allah

    The second is: bashfulness from Allah

    And the third is: Loving Allah.

    Thus the fearful one watches Allah carefully with a terrified heart (Are you this man? Are you that sister?)

    However, the bashful one watches Allah with humbleness (do you feel that poor and weak before the hands of Allah?)

    And the lover watches Allah with extreme happiness, self-generously, with a pity that never detaches from his heart (so where’s your energy o’ you who pretend to love?)

    The words of Al-Hareth just touched the pain…

    Is there anyone who watches Allah to taste the sweetness of this heaven? “But for him who fears the standing before his Lord, there will be two Gardens (i.e. in Paradise).”

    Today’s Sunnah:

    Have you prayed yesterday the two Rakaa’ of Lehaa’ that I told you about? Things are getting worse, where are the praying slaves whom mercies come down because of them??

    We will continue till Allah grants us victory or anything from Him.

    Your beloved

    Hani Helmy
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رقية 2; الساعة 24-11-2009, 11:19 PM.

  • #2
    رد: The 5th Msg: The paradise of "Moraqaba"

    Ma Sha Allah

    Allah Reward You The Goodness
    لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
    سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم
    ابطال فلسطين ( الاسطورة يحيى عياش )

