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In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

    In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

    Salam aleikoum

    7.164 . And when a community among them said : Why preach ye to a folk whom Allah is about to destroy and punish with an awful doom , they said : In order to be free from guilt before your Lord , and that haply they may ward off ( evil ) .

    7.165 . And when they forgot that whereof they had been reminded , We rescued those who forbade wrong , and visited those who did wrong with dreadful punishment because they were evil livers .
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة loving Islam; الساعة 06-10-2009, 05:53 PM. سبب آخر: Formating: left to right

  • #2
    رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

    Dear brother Abou Khaled,

    May Allah reward you for this reminder!
    Actually, it is a matter that most of us forget. These two Quranic verses of Surat Al-`Araf teach us to be reformers in our society and to be active, not idle, members. If we see something wrong, we should advise the wrongdoers. These verses also teach us to turn a deaf ear to those who may discourage us from forbidding the evil and wrong actions. Our mission as Muslims is to inform the wrongdoer that "this is wrong" and to stand by letting the wrong spread among us.
    The Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "Whoever sees an evil should change it with his hand. If he could not do so, he should change it with his tongue. If he could not do so, he should disapprove it with his heart and this is the weakest form of faith." Our faith wants us to help each other to have a peaceful society free from crimes and immorality.

    We should forbid the evil or the wrongdoing having in our minds the reply of those people that is mentioned in the first verse "in order to be free from guilt before your Lord" and to establish the evidence before that wrongdoer if he said to his Lord on the Day of Resurrection that no one advised him.

    Really, the Glorious Quran teach us many benefits and good lessons from the stories of the past nations.

    Jazaka Allah Khairan again dear brother for raising these ideas in minds by choosing two verses that we do need to apply them in our societies in these days.


    Loving Islam

    مهمــا طال الزمن الأسود* وتطـــــاول علج أو عربـد
    وتشامخ في الأرض طغاة *أو أرغى المجرم أو أزبــد
    سيطل الفجر وينبثق
    دعوة المرء لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة
    فأسألكم الدعاء لي بالهداية والإخلاص والقبول
    إلى لقاء...


    • #3
      Salam aleikoum

      Baraka Allah fik
      التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة loving Islam; الساعة 06-10-2009, 10:32 PM. سبب آخر: Editing a typo upon the poster tacit request :)


      • #4
        رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

        Salam aleikoum

        193. Hudhayfa reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "By the One in whose hand my self is, you should command the right and forbid the wrong, or else Allah is very likely to send down on you retribution from Him. Then you will call on Him and He will not answer you." [Muslim]
        التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رقية 2; الساعة 26-10-2009, 11:52 PM. سبب آخر: تنسيق الشكل العام للكتابة ....... شاكرين حسن تفهمكم


        • #5
          رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

          may Allah reward you our brother for your preachy reminders
          we r in wait 4 more
          التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رقية 2; الساعة 26-10-2009, 11:58 PM.
          نسألكم الدعاء لسوريا وأهلها


          • #6
            رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

            Salam aleikoum
            Amin baraka Allah fik

            Shaykh al Islaam ibn Taymiyyah Rahimahullah, said,

            ""Let your enjoining of good be good, and let not your forbidding of bad be bad."

            Ibn Masood was once asked: "Who are the living dead?" to which he replied:"He who does not acknowledge the right as such, and does not reject the wrong."

            He is referring to the person described in the following agreed-upon hadith who
            consistently failed to reject wrong when tested. The Prophet said:

            "Tests are shown to the hearts like a straw mat, straw by straw. Whichever
            heart accepts them, and absorbs them, gets a black spot placed on it, and
            whichever heart rejects them, gets a white, clear spot on it. This goes on until
            the hearts are of two types: a heart which is white, smooth, and clear like a
            polished stone which will not be harmed by further trials or tests for as long
            as the heavens and the earth last, and another dark and blemished; it is like
            a hook turned over the wrong way on which nothing can be hung - it neither
            acknowledges what is right nor rejects what is wrong, except for that which
            happens to coincide with its lusts and inclinations with which this heart has
            become fully absorbed."

            There can be no righteous deed in the absence of knowledge ('ilm) and understanding of the law (fiqh), as 'Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (the grandson of 'Umar ibn Al-Khattab, and a
            righteous Khalifa) used to say:
            "Whoever worships Allah without knowledge corrupts more than he benefits."

            And, as in the statement of Mu'adh ibn Jabal (a companion of the Prophet):
            "Knowledge is the imam of action, and action is a corollary to it."
            التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رقية 2; الساعة 26-10-2009, 11:52 PM. سبب آخر: تنسيق الشكل العام للكتابة ....... شاكرين حسن تفهمكم


            • #7
              رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

              Salam aleikoum

              Allah Almighty says:

              3.110 . Ye are the best community that hath been raised up for mankind . Ye enjoin right conduct and forbid indecency ; and ye believe in Allah .
              التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رقية 2; الساعة 26-10-2009, 11:53 PM. سبب آخر: تنسيق الشكل العام للكتابة ....... شاكرين حسن تفهمكم


              • #8
                رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

                Salam aleikoum

                5.78 . Those of the children of Israel who went astray were cursed by the tongue of David , and of Jesus , son of Mary . That was because they rebelled and used to transgress .

                5.79 . They restrained not one another from the wickedness they did . Verily evil was that they used to do!
                التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رقية 2; الساعة 26-10-2009, 11:54 PM. سبب آخر: تنسيق الشكل العام للكتابة ....... شاكرين حسن تفهمكم


                • #9
                  رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

                  Salam aleikoum

                  9.71 . And the believers , men and women , are protecting friends one of another ; they enjoin the right and forbid the wrong , and they establish worship and they pay the poor-due , and they obey Allah and His messenger . As for these , Allah will have mercy on them . Lo! Allah is Mighty , Wise .
                  التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رقية 2; الساعة 26-10-2009, 11:56 PM.


                  • #10
                    رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

                    Salam aleikoum

                    186. Abu'l-Walid 'Ubada ibn as-Samit said, "We gave allegiance to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, to hear and obey in hardship and ease, in things we liked and things we disliked, to prefer others to ourselves and not to go against those in command unless we saw open disbelief for which there was definite proof from Allah." [Agreed upon]
                    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة رقية 2; الساعة 26-10-2009, 11:57 PM.


                    • #11
                      رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

                      ma shaa allah our brother ...... really very fantastic topic ....... thanks for ur great efforts that u do in our section ...... and we are waiting for more and more .... allah bless and reward u

                      thanks alot
                      إذا خلوت يوماً بريبةٍ والنفس داعية إلى العصيان
                      فقل لها استحِ من نظرِ الإله فإن الذي خلق الظلام يراني
                      إن كنت تعصي الله مع علمك باطلاعه عليك فما أشد وقاحتك وما أقل حياءك
                      " أَنْ تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ يَاحَسْرَتَى عَلَى مَا فَرَّطْتُ فِي جَنْبِ اللَّهِ وَإِنْ كُنْتُ لَمِنَ السَّاخِرِينَ"


                      • #12
                        رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

                        Salam aleikoum

                        Baraka Allah fik

                        187. An-Nu'man ibn Bashir reported that the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "The ****phor of someone who stops at the limits of Allah and someone who transgresses them is that of some people who draw lots on a boat. Some of them get the upper deck and some of them the lower. When those in the lower deck want to get water, they have to pass by those above them. Then they say, 'If we were to make a hole in our deck, we would not have to bother those above us.' If they were to let them do what they wanted, all of them would perish. If they seize hold of their hands and stop them, they will be saved and all of them will be saved." [al-Bukhari]


                        • #13
                          رد: In order to be free from guilt before your Lord

                          peace upon you and Allah's mercy and his blessings

                          Ma Sha Allah Very Beautiful Topic

                          Thanks for the reminder
                          لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
                          سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم
                          ابطال فلسطين ( الاسطورة يحيى عياش )

