
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

my hope

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • my hope

    Dear brothers and sisters:- ,
    How about choosing an islamic matter and discuss this matter together to prevail our islamic manners in English. i am waiting for your ideas.
    ادعو الله أن يغفر لى ويرحمنى ويرضى عنى ويستعملنى لنصرة دينه

    امحو ذنوبك كلها فى دقيقتين على هذا الرابط

  • #2
    رد: my hope

    Do you have any road map to apply this idea?
    Could you clarify little a bit what we should do?
    Jazaka Allahu kheiran
    مهمــا طال الزمن الأسود* وتطـــــاول علج أو عربـد
    وتشامخ في الأرض طغاة *أو أرغى المجرم أو أزبــد
    سيطل الفجر وينبثق
    دعوة المرء لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة
    فأسألكم الدعاء لي بالهداية والإخلاص والقبول
    إلى لقاء...


    • #3
      رد: my hope

      thanks alot. i hope to start by showing our respect to our prophet peace and blessings iof Allah be upon him. let's start with Mohammed is the prophet of Mercy.
      ادعو الله أن يغفر لى ويرحمنى ويرضى عنى ويستعملنى لنصرة دينه

      امحو ذنوبك كلها فى دقيقتين على هذا الرابط


      • #4
        رد: my hope

        المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة hossam nagdy مشاهدة المشاركة
        thanks alot. i hope to start by showing our respect to our prophet peace and blessings iof Allah be upon him. let's start with Mohammed is the prophet of Mercy.
        Well, brother! Do you prefer to share our thoughts or copy articles from authentic resources.

        I do welcome both of these approaches. What do you think?

        Jazaka Allah kheiran

        مهمــا طال الزمن الأسود* وتطـــــاول علج أو عربـد
        وتشامخ في الأرض طغاة *أو أرغى المجرم أو أزبــد
        سيطل الفجر وينبثق
        دعوة المرء لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة
        فأسألكم الدعاء لي بالهداية والإخلاص والقبول
        إلى لقاء...


        • #5
          رد: my hope

          dear brother
          i like both to share our thoughts and copy articles
          ادعو الله أن يغفر لى ويرحمنى ويرضى عنى ويستعملنى لنصرة دينه

          امحو ذنوبك كلها فى دقيقتين على هذا الرابط


          • #6
            رد: my hope

            Contributed by Sheikh Rajab Deeb

            The Real Image of Prophet Muhammad

            Mercy to Kids: Anas always greeted children as he passed them, saying that he did so because he had observed the
            Prophet doing the same thing. ( Bukhari and Muslim) Ibn `Abbas said that the Prophet used to hold the first of any
            seasonal harvest, he used put it on his eyes then on his lips and say “Oh Allah! Like you have made us see its
            beginning (of the season), allow us to see its end.” Then he would give it to any child sitting around him."

            When his guests brought children with them, the Prophet called them towards him and placed them on his lap. One day
            an infant urinated on his clothes. He simply poured water over the area but did not wash the clothes (as the infant was
            only breast-fed). ( Bukhari ) Prophet Muhammad used to set some kids in a row and saying, "I'll give such and such
            (i.e gift or so) to the one who come to me first." So they used to race and fall on his back and chest. (Ahmad) Mercy to
            Women: Once many women relatives of Prophet Muhammad were sitting around him and talking loudly to him. When
            Omar came they all left, at which the Prophet laughed. Omar said, "O Allah's Messenger, may Allah keep you smiling.
            Why did you laugh?", The Prophet remarked that he was amazed at the behavior of those women, who, on hearing
            Omar's voice, had all hidden themselves from him. Omar, addressing them, said, "You fear me but do not fear Allah's
            Messenger." They all said, "You are a hot-tempered person in comparison to Allah's Messenger." (Muslim) Once the
            Noble Prophet was sleeping with his face covered in the apartment of Aisha. It was the day of Eid (Muslims' holiday) and
            young girls were singing. Abu Bakr entered the house and asked the girls to stop. The Prophet said, "Let them sing, it is
            the day of Eid for them." ( Bukhari ) He said: The most perfect Muslim in the matter of faith is one who has excellent
            behavior; and the best among you are those who behave best towards their wives. (Tirmidhi) He said, "Whoever [brings
            up] two girls till they come of age, will be in the next world along with me, like my two fingers joining each other." (Abu
            Dawud) He said, "A believing man should not hate a believing woman; if he dislikes one of her characteristics, he will be
            pleased with another. (Muslim) He said, " “I start the prayers, intending to lengthen them. I then hear a child
            crying so I make them shorter, knowing how emotional a child’s mother gets.” ( Bukhari and Muslim)
            Caliph Umar (The second leader after prophet Muhammad) wanted to limit the amount of dowry. Most Muslims agreed
            with him. but an old poor woman declared her disagreement. Umar didn't mute her. Instead, he heard her opinion which
            was proofed and then he said, "The lady is right and Umar is wrong."

            Mercy to Orphans, Needers, and Widows: From his mercy is that he never used to disdain from walking along with a
            widow or with a poor person and fulfill their needs . He used to visit weak and sick Muslims and attend their funerals . He
            used to treat orphans well and charitably. He used to commend people to sponsor them and treat them with excellence
            and he also used to announce the consequent virtues of that saying, “I and a patron of an orphanage are as close
            in Paradise (while waving with the index and middle finger and parting them .” He also said that the best house in
            Muslim houses is the one with an orphan being treated well in it. ” ( Bukhari and Ibn Majah) Ibn Omar reported
            Allah's Messenger as saying, "A Muslim is a Muslim's brother; he does not wrong him. If anyone cares for his brother's
            need, Allah will take care of his need; if anyone relieves his brother's anxiety, Allah will remove from him one of his
            anxieties on the Day of Resurrection; and if anyone conceals a Muslim's secrets, Allah will conceal his secrets on the
            Day of Resurrection." ( Bukhari and Muslim)

            Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger as saying, ‘The best house among the Muslims is one where an orphan
            is well treated, and the worst house among the Muslims is one where an orphan is badly treated." (Ibn Majah)
            Abu Omamah reported Allah's Messenger as saying, "If anyone caresses an orphan by moving his fingers in his hair,
            doing so only for God's sake, he will have blessings for every hair over which his hand passes and if anyone treats well
            ail orphan girl or boy under his care, he and I shall be like these two in Paradise," putting two of his fingers together.

            Abu Hurairah reported Allah's Messenger as saying, He who strives to serve a widow and a poor person is like the one
            who strives in Allah's way." He also reported that when a man complained to the Messenger of Allah of being
            hardhearted he said, "Show affection to the orphans and feed the poor." (Hakim) Mercy to Domestic Workers: Once a
            man came to Prophet Muhammad and said, "O Allah's Messenger! How many times should I forgive the mistakes of
            slaves?" The Noble Prophet kept quiet. The man repeated his question three times, and the Prophet replied at the third
            time, "Forgive them seventy times every day." A man had two slaves but was not happy with them. He used to beat and
            abuse them but they did not change their ways. He complained to the Prophet and asked for his advice. Prophet
            Muhammad said that if his punishment was in proportion to their wrongs, well and good; otherwise Allah would punish
            him for his excess. On hearing this the man was upset and began crying. Prophet Muhammad recited the verse from the
            Qur'an, "We shall set up scales of justice on the Day of Resurrection." (1:47) and observed that the man did not read the
            Qur'an. After this he said, "O Allah's Messenger, it is better that I release them from my possession. Be witness that they
            are now free." Mercy to Animals: Aisha narrated that she once found difficulty in riding a horse, so she kept reining it in
            repeatedly. The Prophet then said, “You must have gentleness.” (Muslim) Once the Prophet passed by a
            camel that was so emaciated its back was one with its abdomen. Upon that, the Prophet said, “Fear Allah with
            regard to livestock. Ride them in a fitting way and eat them when they are in good condition." (Abu Dawud) He once
            entered the garden of man from the Ansar (Muslims of Madinah) and there was a camel. When the Prophet saw the
            camel it froze and its eyes started watering. Then the Prophet of Allah came to it and rubbed its ears so it calmed down.
            Then the Prophet said, “Who is the owner of this camel? Whose camel is this?” A young man from the

            Ansar told him, ”O Messenger of Allah, it belongs to me.” Then he told him (, “Do you not fear Allah
            with regard to this beast which Allah has let you own? It complained to me that you starve it and tire it by overworking it
            and using it beyond its capacity." (Ahmad and Abu Dawud) He saw some people sitting on animals so he commented,
            “Keep them safe and sound when riding them and when leaving them, don’t use them as chairs for your
            side talks in the streets and markets. A ridden animal might be better than its rider and might remember and mention
            God more than its rider does." (Ahmad and Abu Yali) Prophet Muhammad once said, “A woman was doomed to
            enter the Fire because of a cat. She imprisoned it and neither fed it nor set it free to eat the rodents of the earth.”
            ( Bukhari ) Prophet Muhammad warned against any human being causing a bird to feel panic about its little offspring.
            Someone took two chicks of a bird, which came in panic searching for its chicks. Prophet Muhammad then asked,
            “Who has distressed it by taking its chicks?” Then he asked them to return the chicks. (Abu Dawud) The
            Prophet once passed by a burned out anthill. When the Prophet saw it he asked, “Who has burned it?”
            When he was informed of who had done it, he said, “Only the Lord of Fire has the right to punish with fire." (Abu
            Dawud) Prophet Muhammad prohibited the killing of a bird for the sake of pleasure and not for a specific beneficial need,
            the Prophet said, “Anyone who would kill a bird, this bird would come on Doomsday and say, “God, this
            person killed me for pleasure and not for benefit." (An-Nasaai) He saw a person preparing a lamb, laying it down while he
            was still sharpening his knife. Prophet Muhammad then commented, “Do you want to kill it twice? Sharpen your
            knife before you lay it down.” ( Bukhari and Muslim). Once Prophet Muhammad saw a donkey on the road with
            a brand on its face, and said, "Allah's curse is on him who branded it." (Muslim)

            http://imageofmuhammad.com/en Powered by Joomla! Generated: 5 August, 2007, 16:09
            ادعو الله أن يغفر لى ويرحمنى ويرضى عنى ويستعملنى لنصرة دينه

            امحو ذنوبك كلها فى دقيقتين على هذا الرابط


            • #7
              رد: my hope

              Jazaka Allah kheiran, dear brother

              I'm going to talk about the mercy of the Prophet, peace be upon him, from another perspective that many people do not pay attention to it.

              You can talk about anyone's mercy to his children, wife, family, kindred, friends, etc. However, it is very rare to find someone shows mercy to enemies who wants to kill that one. Anyhow, it is our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, who did so.

              If you listen to his instructions to the armies before setting out to do Jihad, you would be amazed. The instructions of the Prophet, peace be upon him, preceded Geneva convention 14 centuries ago!! He used to command the army leader and the army not to kill old people, women, children, wounded soldiers, people who are secluded in their worshiping places, and those who do not take part in the battle against Muslims. Moreover, he used to order them not to burn plants, palm trees, spoil water, etc. The obeying Muslims used to follow the instructions of their Prophet, peace be upon him. Nowadays, world suffers from war crimes and the Massacre of Gaza is not too far from us.
              Being a comprehensive way of life, Islam covered all aspects of life even wars and battles have rules and instructions.

              He is the most merciful personality that humanity ever witnessed.

              There is an incident happened during the battle of Badr, the first and greatest battle in Islam. Allah the Exalted granted Muslims victory over the polytheists in this battle. Muslims caught seventy captives. Those prisoners of wars were so kindly treated. Some of them were granted freedom provided that they taught ten Muslim children writing. Some of them were set free without any compensation such as Abu `Azza the poet who used to slander the Prophet, peace be upon him. When he was brought before the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, he besought him saying that he was obliged to join war against Muslims and there was none to support his daughters. Consequently, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, felt pity for him and set him free provided that he should not take part in any further wars or battles against Muslims. Some prisoners of war were permitted to ransom themselves in return for.
              The uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, Al-Abbas at that time were still a polytheist was caught among the captives. the Ansar said that they would set him free without any compensation because of the status of the Prophet, peace be upon him. However, the Prophet, peace be upon him, refused so in order not to abuse his authority and said to his uncle that you hid your money at such and such area so go there and bring the amount of money to ransom yourself.

              THe Prophet, peace be upon him, was the best ever example of mercy for all humanity in every respect.

              We supplicate Allah to guide us to the right path and make us true followers of the Prophet, peace be upon him, by following his example through putting his instructions into action in our life. If we do so, we will regain the glories of the past and will master the world again by our pure Islamic manners that drove people in the past to convert to Islam in multitude numbers.

              Allah knows best


              Loving Islam :)
              مهمــا طال الزمن الأسود* وتطـــــاول علج أو عربـد
              وتشامخ في الأرض طغاة *أو أرغى المجرم أو أزبــد
              سيطل الفجر وينبثق
              دعوة المرء لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة
              فأسألكم الدعاء لي بالهداية والإخلاص والقبول
              إلى لقاء...


              • #8
                رد: my hope


                • #9
                  رد: my hope

                  May Allah bless you too
                  مهمــا طال الزمن الأسود* وتطـــــاول علج أو عربـد
                  وتشامخ في الأرض طغاة *أو أرغى المجرم أو أزبــد
                  سيطل الفجر وينبثق
                  دعوة المرء لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة
                  فأسألكم الدعاء لي بالهداية والإخلاص والقبول
                  إلى لقاء...


                  • #10
                    رد: my hope

                    may allah reward u


                    • #11
                      رد: my hope

                      May Allah reward you too
                      I hope that you have benefited from these postings
                      I hope that our brothers and sisters join us in enriching this important topic
                      مهمــا طال الزمن الأسود* وتطـــــاول علج أو عربـد
                      وتشامخ في الأرض طغاة *أو أرغى المجرم أو أزبــد
                      سيطل الفجر وينبثق
                      دعوة المرء لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة
                      فأسألكم الدعاء لي بالهداية والإخلاص والقبول
                      إلى لقاء...


                      • #12
                        رد: my hope

                        allah bless u thanks alot our brother
                        إذا خلوت يوماً بريبةٍ والنفس داعية إلى العصيان
                        فقل لها استحِ من نظرِ الإله فإن الذي خلق الظلام يراني
                        إن كنت تعصي الله مع علمك باطلاعه عليك فما أشد وقاحتك وما أقل حياءك
                        " أَنْ تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ يَاحَسْرَتَى عَلَى مَا فَرَّطْتُ فِي جَنْبِ اللَّهِ وَإِنْ كُنْتُ لَمِنَ السَّاخِرِينَ"

