
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

Commmon Mistakes in Salaat

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • Commmon Mistakes in Salaat

    Peace and mercy of ALLAH be upon you

    1- Leaving the salaah altogether. This is indeed kufr (disbelief) and the evidence is found
    within the Qur’aan the authentic sunnah and the consensus of the ummah. Allah ta’aala
    states: If they repent and establish the salaah and give the zakaah, they are you
    brothers in faith (deen). [Al-Qur’aan 9:11] And Allah ta’aala says: What landed you in
    As-Saqar (Hell)? They said: We were not of those who made salaah (almusalleen)…[
    Al-Qur’aan 76:42-43] and so on. As far as the sunnah: The hadeeth of
    Jaabir that the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) said: Between a man and shirk
    (what protects him from shirk) is the abandonment of salaah. [Muslim] It is narrated
    by Abu Dawood,

    2- Delaying the salaah from its appointed time. This is a violation according to the word of
    Allah ta’aala: Verily the salaah has been appointed for the believers at specific times
    (mawqoot). [Al-Qur’aan 4:103] Al-Mawqoot indicates a specific appointed time and the
    postponement of sallah beyond the obligatory time (fardh) is a major sin and Allah is the
    one upon Whom we depend.

    3- Abandonment of the congregational prayer in the masjid by able men either regularly or
    on occasion. The commandment has been given to perform the salaah in congregation in
    the masaajid. Congregational (al-jamaa’ah) salaah is a duty except for those who have a
    valid excuse according to the sharia’h.

    4-Lack of tranquility (at-tama’neenah) within the salaat. This is generally done out of
    ignorance and it is an open sin because tranquility is a pillar (rukn) of the salaah without
    which the salaah is incorrect.

    5- Lack of proper reverence and humility (khushoo’) in the Salaat and excess movement
    therein. The place of khushoo’ is in the heart and it is evident in the tranquility of the limbs
    and humility before Allah

    6. Intentionally preceding the imaam in the movements of the prayer or not following his
    movements. This nullifies the salaah or rak’ah for whoever bows before his imaam ruins
    his own rak’ah unless he follows it later with another bowing.

    Such is likewise with the
    rest of the arkaan (pillars) of the salaah. It is obligatory for the praying person to follow the
    imaam completely without preceding him or lagging behind him in any rukn (pillar) or

    7. Standing to complete a missed rak’ah before the imaam has completely finished making
    the second tasleem (i.e closing the prayer by saying ‘As-salaamu ‘alaikum wa
    rahmatullahi to the right and left).

    8. Making the intention for prayer aloud. This is a bid’ah (innovation), and we have
    previously mention the prohibition against bid’ah.

    9. Not reciting Al-Faatihah in the salaah; The recitation of Al-Faatihah is a pillar (rukn) and
    the salaah of whoever does not recite it is void.

    10. Recitation of the Qur’aan in rukoo’ (bowing position) or during sujood (prostration).

    11-Raising the eyes to the sky during salaat or looking to the right and left without due
    cause. As far as raising the eyes, it is forbidden and bears the threat of punishment.

    12-As far as looking around unnecessarily, it is a deficiency in the salaah of the worshipper
    as long as he has not turned his entire body in another direction [i.e. away from the
    Qiblah]. If however the entire body is turned then the salaah is invalidated.

    13-Sitting on one’s haunches (Al-Iq’aa) during the salaah and prostrating with the elbows (Al-
    Iftiraash) on the ground.

    14-Wearing a thin (see-through) garment that does not sufficiently cover the ‘auwrah (private
    area). This is an invalidator of the salaah because covering one’s ‘auwrah is a condition
    for a sound salaah.

    15-A woman not covering her head with the khimaar in salaah and not covering her feet. The
    ‘aurah of the woman in the sallah is her entire body with the exception of her face. Nor is
    there any harm if she covers her face due to the passing by of men or the like

    16. Walking in front of the praying person whether they be the imaam or praying alone and
    stepping over the people during the Jumua’h khutbah. It is a sin upon the person who
    passes in front of someone who is praying.

    17. Not saying the takbeeratul-ihraam (opening takbeer) when entering upon the
    congregation while the imaam is in rukoo’. This is a major mistake in that the takbeeratulihraam
    is a pillar (rukn) of the salaah that must be done by the one praying when standing
    for the salaah and then afterwards join the imam in the bowing position (rukoo’). To make
    the takbeer (al-ihraam) and then another takbeer before giong into rukoo’ is more
    complete and thorough.

    18. Not following the imaam (by getting in the same position) when coming late and the
    imaam is sitting or in sujood (prostrating). It is most preferred and most sure for the one
    who enters the masjid that he join the imaam in whatever position he may be in, whether
    he be in sajdah or otherwise.

    19. Busying oneself with matters that take one away from the salaah. This is evidence of
    preference of the wordly life over that of the Hereafter, following vain desires and being
    too busy to obey Allah.

    20. Playing with one’s clothing or watch or the like.
