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non muslim girl teatch muslim brother his relgion

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  • non muslim girl teatch muslim brother his relgion

    salmo alykom,
    i know it looks there is something wrong on the topic but i swear there is not it is a story of close friend of mine
    :oops: l
    let us see what he said to me
    he was anormal guy just pray and do every thing bad in lief like most of teens in this age who donot know god well
    he used to have gf or more than one in the same time
    but in last days some things happend was very strange
    u can say massages from god to his slaves becase i belive god didnot leave aguy without send him smg tell him ,hay u have to back from this way and all of us have things like that if he tried to rember.
    this massages was that most of time he was with a girl (the azan say allah akbar) as if it is mandge from god
    but he was ignore this massages
    tell last time he was in sharm elshekh place in egypt like on the red see
    this time massage was clear very clear
    he used to start his day by swimming and after may be read on book or set on the see and after noon go to gum do his traning and after swimm again in the indor swimming pool of the hotel to relax
    this day when he went to the pool he found 2 beautiful girls
    he start his swimm was playing by ball and while he was swim the ball came in his way he through it to them and started talk to them
    (the start of god lesson to him : )
    they were from raushia one of them and it was the one he like was speak english well the second wasnot at all
    and for sure he take the date from the girl at night in nice place there called nama pay
    for sure he had dirty brain and was thinking when he will touch this girl
    she came and start talking but he got a choake he found her asking him a strange question guess what?
    she told him plz tell me about islam?
    he got a choake and told her whyyyyyyyyyyyy
    why u care about that and in the same time all his hopes in his dirty mind lost lol?
    the answer of the girl was i started search on islam but stell didnot take the decasion to convert he told her what do u know about islam she told him alot of things in fact he didnot hear about it before while he borned muslim but (just by id) donot know any thing about islam
    he was feel crazy the non muslim girl know all of that she told him i tried to pray and fasten with u and it works good with me but stell 23 things i do my best to stop them to say shhadah after
    1)was smooking (massage for muslim smokers from non muslim girl)
    2)was stop waring swimming suit becase i had to cover my body(massage for all of our muslim sister )
    3)wear hijab but so hard becase if my family knew will be big deal
    (massage for muslim girls who can wear it in safe)
    he got a choake again
    while they were walking her phone ring and was her rachian bf
    he know from her after that becase he felt that the one on the line shoating on her and after finish she ask him to back to hotel he was wandring why in amin
    he asked her she told him he is my muslim rachian bf we will marry after i come a muslim and when he knew that she is on the street tell 11pm he came angry so my friend told her so why we shuld back to hotel she told him he want me to back in the hotel he told her and u do every thing he ask u to do the answer was amazing
    she told him i will be his wief and in islam should do all of husband wishes if it is under islamic relagion rulles
    (anew massage to our sisters from her again)
    the guy felt he is not a muslim at all and he should know the relagion which make prety girl like her change like that
    and he started and now mshallah
    he is inshallah good brother stdying islam and give short lessons and the girl married to her muslim bf after she came muslim
    and last point i want to say
    search in your memory will find alot of massages from god but u ignore it
    salmo alykom

  • #2
    سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم

    المشاركة الأصلية بواسطة dolphin_beliver مشاهدة المشاركة

    was smooking (massage for muslim smokers from non muslim girl)

    2)was stop waring swimming suit becase i had to cover my
    body(massage for all of our muslim sister )

    3)wear hijab but so hard becase if my family knew will be big deal
    (massage for muslim girls who can wear it in safe)

    search in your memory will find alot of massages from god but u ignore it

    wa3alikom alsalam

    Gazakum Allah Khairan.........I have read it ........
    Glory be to Allah.......It is strange

    It teaches us that there are many people who wants to know about islam .....and it is our role to help them

    important lesson


    • #3
      رد: non muslim girl teatch muslim brother his relgion

      Assalmu alikum
      first WeLcOmE to this section
      nice to see that your first post is here
      hope you enjoy and find it useful
      nice topic
      but there is a small thing
      the girl had a boy friend and that boy friend is Muslim so i think that's the only mistake here
      but anyways I hope we will learn from the good bits
      JAK dear sis
      اللهم أرزقنى الشهادة على أعتاب الاقصى التى يُمزق فيها قلبي ليُجمع به فى رحابك وخذ من دمى حتى ترضى .. أسالكم الدعاء

      تعرف على المسجد الاقصى


      • #4
        رد: non muslim girl teatch muslim brother his relgion

        Allah reward you
        it is good story and useful to learn from it
        how we are right muslims really?
        and how we are remiss in our duties to islam?
        thanks my brother
        إن كـان تـابـع أحمـدٍ متـوهِّباً * * * فـأنـا المقـرُّ بـأننـي وهَّـابـي
        أنفي الشـريك عـن الإله فليس لي * * * ربٌّ سـوى المتفـرِّد الـوهَّـابِ
        لا قبـةٌ تُــرجـى ولا وثنٌ ولا * * * قبـرٌ لـه سبـب مـن الأسبـابِ
        كـلا ولا شجـرٌ ولا حجـرٌ ولا * * * عيـنٌ ولا نصـبٌ من الأنصابِ


        • #5
          رد: non muslim girl teatch muslim brother his relgion

          jazakum allah khairan
          إذا خلوت يوماً بريبةٍ والنفس داعية إلى العصيان
          فقل لها استحِ من نظرِ الإله فإن الذي خلق الظلام يراني
          إن كنت تعصي الله مع علمك باطلاعه عليك فما أشد وقاحتك وما أقل حياءك
          " أَنْ تَقُولَ نَفْسٌ يَاحَسْرَتَى عَلَى مَا فَرَّطْتُ فِي جَنْبِ اللَّهِ وَإِنْ كُنْتُ لَمِنَ السَّاخِرِينَ"

