
لا يوجد إعلان حتى الآن.

!!&& ^ Love of God ^&&!!

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • !!&& ^ Love of God ^&&!!

    In the name of allah the Merciful

    Love of allah

    The Althab in allah and brothers in the religion of the greatest acts of worship, and its terms of joining the Almtsaahbun Palmtahabin in Allah, and to carry out their rights to draw closer to allah, gods, and to maintain the gain scores the highest, he says: "A between their hearts and if they spent What on earth are all attuned their hearts, but Allah has united them "(Anfal 63

    Ibn Masood said, may Allah be pleased with him: they are Thais Love Thais in allah
    And in the novel: I got in the woman or in allah (narrated by women and the ruling and said correctly
    Some of them said:
    Love and love of allah and the believer *** hates allah's people, regardless of the insurgency
    The only religion of love and hatred
    , and Alula Albr *** like that of all GAO and the victim
    Ibn Rajab, may Allah have mercy on him says:
    And completeness of allah's love what he loves and hates what makrooh, it is something I love than his hatred of allah, or dislike something which allah loves, and did not complete the unification of his sincerity in saying there is no god but Allah
    , and it was a hidden trap of his hatred, which according to the love of allah , and what I love which allah hates
    Ibn al-Qayyim, and may allah have mercy on him:
    Of love nothing but allah, and were not his love
    of allah, and not because it is a help to him to obey allah, tortured him in this world before the meeting, as it was said:
    You are the victim of all I loved *** choose for yourself in the passion of Tstafa

    Do not forget me of good prayers
    اللهم إنى أسالك أن تعجل بقتل الكلب النصيرى فإنه لا يعجزك

    لاتنسونى من صالح الدعاء

  • #2
    رد: !!&& ^ Love of God ^&&!!

    thank you my brother and i hope all world obey allah


    • #3
      رد: !!&& ^ Love of God ^&&!!

      Thank You

      bark allah fekm
      اللهم احفظ ابنتى واعنا على تربيتها تربية صالحة مصلحة حاملة لكتابك ومطبقة لشرعك
      اللهم احفظ زوجى من كل سوء والف بين قلوبنا واجعله قره عين لى واجعلنى قرة عينا له
      وبارك اللهم في أهلى ورفيقاتى واحفظهم من كل سوء

