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  • Shiites

    In the name of allah the most merciful ,Praise be to allah, prayer and peace BE upon the messenger of allah , mohamed peace be and blessings upon him ,i love all of you my brothers in allah but i am here to participate in writing about shiites:they are people who love ali ibn abo talb May Allah be pleased with him ,they loved him some of them worshiped him and that is the proplem between us and them they loved el-hussein may allah be pleased with him and either some of them worshiped him and made him imam who give to people what they ask him in there doaa or asking and they let allah who created el-hussein and asking el-hussein who died and ali may allah be pleased with them those people is shiites some of them is ognorance and many of them knowing what they are doing is false and big sin but they afraid to let money and thrones to be the sheikhs or the imam or aya those is the position of skiekhs of shiites in iran or iraq ,most of them knew the truth but they afraid to let there positions in there countries or there groups of shiites .

    I know that some of my words is vague words and some people didn’t know the starting if shiites ,first I will speak about there starting from old to our days and then I will speak in shaa allah about there maping and ideological theories towards us .

    When they started in old they follow a man who called abd allah ibn sabaa who is tried to decieve muslims in madina and he siad that ali ibn abo talb may allah be pleased him that is worshiped and he is allah in earth and ali attacked them to make them repent from that shirk or polytheism then abd allah ibn sabaa escaped from ali may allah be pleased with him and expanded that polytheism in many areas in the islamic oma nation and those people from that time till now loving the jews and hating us and they ordered there people to kill us if they find us under a system name eltaqia :is a name of system in religion in shities religion to pretend to us the love us and if they have the opportuinty to kill us they will kill us .

    They made there shiekhs disobdiance is a sin and they worshiped some of them they lived now in iran and iraq they killed el-sunna where they find them in iraq in there masjids and closing there masjids in iran and pretended that they loving us and they Cursing daily the companions of the Prophet peace be upon him and they said about them :They are infidels that is there belief in the companions may allah be pleased with all of them

    Finally I want to said that those is thiites who do not love us and will not love us because there beliefs about us and the Unpleasantness and haterred or hateness towards us .

    ربى ارزقنى علما وعملا بة وارجو من القراء للتوقيع قول امين وجزاكم الله خير
    انت بتصدق الاعلام

  • #2
    رد: Shiites

    if any one have any comment about my grammer in writing or sentences please you should told me to improve my self ,allah reward you the goodness

    ربى ارزقنى علما وعملا بة وارجو من القراء للتوقيع قول امين وجزاكم الله خير
    انت بتصدق الاعلام


    • #3
      رد: Shiites

      to pretend to us the love us and
      .to pretend as they loving us ( i am sorry for that false

      ربى ارزقنى علما وعملا بة وارجو من القراء للتوقيع قول امين وجزاكم الله خير
      انت بتصدق الاعلام


      • #4
        رد: Shiites

        i am sorry for the faults in writing but i will imrpove my self in shaa allah in writing

        ربى ارزقنى علما وعملا بة وارجو من القراء للتوقيع قول امين وجزاكم الله خير
        انت بتصدق الاعلام

