Iman (Faith)
Iman , upon which success in this world and the next depends, is composed of the following three elements :
1) Acknowledgement with one's tongue.
2) Faith in one's heart.
3) And action with one's limbs.
2) Faith in one's heart.
3) And action with one's limbs.
Iman increases with obedience, decreases with disobedience .One must have in him the preceding three elements for him to be a believer (Mu'min).But what do these elements mean?
Acknowledgement with one's tongue:
This means that one acknowledges with his tongue and bears witness to the fact that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم is the Messenger of Allah.
This means that one acknowledges with his tongue and bears witness to the fact that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلم is the Messenger of Allah.
Faith In One's Heart:
This means that one believes with his heart in that which he uttered with his tongue, so that he is saved from being among the hypocrites, about whom Allah Almighty says:
This means that one believes with his heart in that which he uttered with his tongue, so that he is saved from being among the hypocrites, about whom Allah Almighty says:
(( و من الناس من يقول امنا بالله و باليوم الاخر و ما هم بمؤمنين))
And of mankind, there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the last day while in fact they believe not"
(Al- Baqarah 2:8)
And of mankind, there are some who say: "We believe in Allah and the last day while in fact they believe not"
(Al- Baqarah 2:8)
Action with one's limbs:
This means t apply the pillars of Islam and its obligatory duties –prayer, Zakat, fasting Ramadhan , Hajj to Allah's Sacred House(i.e.,Ka'bah) , for whoever is able to do so .From the completeness of action is for one to be dutiful to his parents ,to join ties with relations , to be kind and generous to the creation , for all of these are proofs that establish the veracity of the Iman in his heart.
Iman , then, is not merely a word that is uttered by the tongue ; moreover , the heart must believe it and then action must follow . It has been related that Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "Iman does not come with adornment or wishful thinking, but it is something that settles in the heart and is witnessed by action."
This means t apply the pillars of Islam and its obligatory duties –prayer, Zakat, fasting Ramadhan , Hajj to Allah's Sacred House(i.e.,Ka'bah) , for whoever is able to do so .From the completeness of action is for one to be dutiful to his parents ,to join ties with relations , to be kind and generous to the creation , for all of these are proofs that establish the veracity of the Iman in his heart.
Iman , then, is not merely a word that is uttered by the tongue ; moreover , the heart must believe it and then action must follow . It has been related that Al-Hasan Al-Basri said, "Iman does not come with adornment or wishful thinking, but it is something that settles in the heart and is witnessed by action."
Taken From :What Must Be Known About Islam
Compiled By: Muhammad bin'Ali Al- Arfaj
Compiled By: Muhammad bin'Ali Al- Arfaj