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Answering Atheists: Watch in the Sand ?!

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  • Answering Atheists: Watch in the Sand ?!

    Answering Atheists: Watch in the Sand ?!

    Suppose you find a watch in the middle of a desert. What would you conclude? Would you think that someone dropped the watch? Or would you suppose that the watch came by itself?

    Of course no sane person would say that the watch just happened to emerge from the sand. All the intricate working parts could not simply develop from the met.als the lay buried in the earth. The watch must have a manufacturer.

    If a watch tells accurate time? Consider the sunrise and sunset. Their timings are so strictly regulated that scientists can publish in advance the sunrise and sunset times in your daily newspapers. But who regulates the timings of sunrise and sunset?

    Allah tells us in the Quran : "Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth; in the alternation of the Night and the Day; in the sailing of the ships through the Ocean for the profit of mankind; in the rain which Allah sends down from the skies, and the life which He gives therewith to an earth that is dead; in the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the earth; in the change of the winds and the clouds which they trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth, (here) indeed are Signs for a people that are wise"

    The message is clear, if a watch can not work without an intelligent maker, how can the sun appear to rise and set with such clockwork regularity? Could this occur by itself?

    Consider also that we benefit from the sun only because it remains at a safe distance from the earth, a distance that averages 93 million miles. If it got much closer the earth would burn up. And if it got too far away the earth would turn into an icy planet making human life here impossible.

    Who decided in advance that this was the right distance? Could it just happen by chance? Without the sun plants would not grow. Then animals and humans would starve. Did the sun just decide to be there for us ?!

    The rays of the sun would be dangerous for us had it not been for the protective ozone layer in our atmosphere. The atmosphere around earth keeps the harmful ultraviolet rays from reaching us. Who was it that placed this shield around us?

    We need to experience sunrise. We need the sun's energy and it's light to see our way during the day. But we also need sunset. We need a break from the heat, we need the coo.k of night and we need the lights to out so we may sleep. Who regulated this process to provide what we need?

    Moreover, if we had only the sun and the protection of the atmosphere we would want something more-beauty. Our clothes provide warmth and protection, yet we design them to also look beautiful. Knowing or need for beauty, the designer of sunrise and sunset also made the view of them to be simply breathtaking.

    The creator who gave us light, energy, protection and beauty deserves our thanks. Yet some people insist that he does not exist. What would they think if they found a watch in the desert? An accurate, working watch? A beautifully designed watch? Would they not conclude that there does exist a watchmaker? An intelligent watchmaker? One who appreciates beauty? Such is God who made us.
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة loving Islam; الساعة 06-08-2009, 04:42 AM. سبب آخر: decoding some words
    البدعة والسيئة في واقع العمل الاسلامي لا ينكر وجودهما إلا أعمى... ولا يجوز لمسلم أن يدافع عن الباطل أو يبرر وجوده، فالباطل باطل أبداً ،كما أن المنكر منكر أبداً، ومن زعم أن الحقّ لا يمكن أن يستقيم له أمرٌ في هذه الدنيا إلا بنوعٍ من الباطل فهو مخطئ على الشريعة النبوية، فالحق لا يحتاج إلى الباطل، والهدى لا يحتاج إلى الضلالة..
    أبو قتادة الفلسطيني -فكّ الله أسره-

  • #2
    رد: Answering Atheists: Watch in the Sand ?!

    Assalmu alikum
    Almdoullah that we are raised as Muslims
    I know lots of people that are atheist and subhanAllah I just found out today that some teacher in my school is an atheist and the fact that they believe that we are created by chance, theory of evolution etc….
    May Allah guide them
    Thanks brother though
    اللهم أرزقنى الشهادة على أعتاب الاقصى التى يُمزق فيها قلبي ليُجمع به فى رحابك وخذ من دمى حتى ترضى .. أسالكم الدعاء

    تعرف على المسجد الاقصى


    • #3
      رد: Answering Atheists: Watch in the Sand ?!

      thanks for your comment, sister

      I know soooooo many people who don't believe in God..

      but you know what their problem is, sister... it's that they do not make their

      own research... you find one of them is an atheist just because his/her sick

      mind couldn't comprehend the idea of God!! and so on
      البدعة والسيئة في واقع العمل الاسلامي لا ينكر وجودهما إلا أعمى... ولا يجوز لمسلم أن يدافع عن الباطل أو يبرر وجوده، فالباطل باطل أبداً ،كما أن المنكر منكر أبداً، ومن زعم أن الحقّ لا يمكن أن يستقيم له أمرٌ في هذه الدنيا إلا بنوعٍ من الباطل فهو مخطئ على الشريعة النبوية، فالحق لا يحتاج إلى الباطل، والهدى لا يحتاج إلى الضلالة..
      أبو قتادة الفلسطيني -فكّ الله أسره-


      • #4
        رد: Answering Atheists: Watch in the Sand ?!

        It's true
        SubhanAllah, what really drives me mad is that this whole entire universe is crated by CHANCE
        May Allah guide them

        اللهم أرزقنى الشهادة على أعتاب الاقصى التى يُمزق فيها قلبي ليُجمع به فى رحابك وخذ من دمى حتى ترضى .. أسالكم الدعاء

        تعرف على المسجد الاقصى


        • #5
          رد: Answering Atheists: Watch in the Sand ?!

          Jazaka Allah Khayran

