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Introducing Islam

  • تصفية - فلترة
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  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
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  • Introducing Islam

    Introducing Islam


    The name of this religion is Islam, the root of which is Silm and Salaam which means peace. Salaam may also mean greeting one another with peace. One of the beautiful names of God is that He is the Peace. It means more than that: submission to the One God, and to live in peace with the Creator, within ones self, with other people and with the environment. Thus, Islam is a total system of living. A Muslim is supposed to live in peace and harmony with all these segments; hence, a Muslim is any person anywhere in the world whose obedience, allegiance, and loyalty are to God, the Lord of the Universe.


    Allah is the name of the One and Only God. Allah has ninety-nine beautiful names, such as: The Gracious, The Merciful, The Beneficent, The Creator, The All-Knowing, The All-Wise, The Lord of the Universe, The First, The Last, and others.
    He is the Creator of all human beings. He is the God for the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, the Buddhists, the Hindus, the atheists, and others. Muslims worship God whose name is Allah. They put their trust in Him and they seek His help and His guidance.


    Muhammad was chosen by God to deliver His Message of Peace, namely Islam. He was born in 570 C.E. (Common Era) in Makkah, Arabia. He was entrusted with the Message of Islam when he was at the age of forty years. The revelation that he received is called the Quran, while the message is called Islam.
    Muhammad is the very last Prophet of God to mankind. He is the final Messenger of God. His message was and is still to the Christians, the Jews and the rest of mankind. He was sent to those religious people to inform them about the true mission of Jesus, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, and Abraham.
    Muhammad is considered to be the summation and the culmination of all the prophets and messengers that came before him. He purified the previous messages from adulteration and completed the Message of God for all humanity. He was entrusted with the power of explaining, interpreting and living the teaching of the Quran.

    A. Oneness of God:

    He is One and the Only One. He is not two in one or three in one. This means that Islam rejects the idea of trinity or such a unity of God which implies more than one God in one.
    B. Oneness of mankind:

    People are created equal in front of the Law of God. There is no superiority for one race over another. God made us of different colors, nationalities, languages and beliefs so as to test who is going to be better than others. No one can claim that he is better than others. It is only God Who knows who is better. It depends on piety and righteousness.

    C. Oneness of Messengers and the Message:

    Muslims believe that God sent different messengers throughout the history of mankind. All came with the same message and the same teachings. It was the people who misunderstood and misinterpreted them.
    Muslims believe in Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ismail, Jacob, Moses, David, Jesus, and Muhammad. The Prophets of Christianity and Judaism are indeed the Prophets of Islam.
    D. Angels and the Day of Judgment:

    Muslims believe that there are unseen creatures such as angels created by God in the universe for special missions.
    Muslims believe that there is a Day of Judgment when all people of the world throughout the history of mankind till the last day of life on earth, are to be brought for accounting, reward and punishment.

    E. Innocence of Man at Birth:

    Muslim believe that people are born free of sin. It is only after they reach the age of puberty and it is only after they commit sins that they are to be charged for their mistakes. No one is responsible for or can take the responsibility for the sins of others. However, the door of forgiveness through true repentance is always open.

    F. State and Religion:

    Muslims believe that Islam is a total and a complete way of life. It encompasses all aspects of life. As such, the teachings of Islam do not separate religion from politics. As a matter of fact, state and religion are under the obedience of Allah through the teachings of Islam. Hence, economic and social transactions, as well as educational and political systems are also part of the teachings of Islam.

    Muslims are required to respect all those who are faithful and God conscious people, namely those who received messages. Christians and Jews are called People of the Book. Muslims are asked to call upon the People of the Book for common terms, namely, to worship One God, and to work together for the solutions of the many problems in the society.
    Christians and Jews lived peacefully with Muslims throughout centuries in the Middle East and other Asian and African countries. The second Caliph Umar, did not pray in the church in Jerusalem so as not to give the Muslims an excuse to take it over. Christians entrusted the Muslims, and as such the key of the Church in Jerusalem is still in the hands of the Muslims.
    Jews fled from Spain during the Inquisition, and they were welcomed by the Muslims. They settled in the heart of the Islamic Caliphate. They enjoyed positions of power and authority.
    Throughout the Muslim world, churches, synagogues and missionary schools were built within the Muslim neighborhoods. These places were protected by Muslims even during the contemporary crises in the Middle East

    Published by: The Institute Of Islamic Information And Education
    By Ahmad H. Sakr, Ph.D.
    III&E Brochure Series; No. 1
    البدعة والسيئة في واقع العمل الاسلامي لا ينكر وجودهما إلا أعمى... ولا يجوز لمسلم أن يدافع عن الباطل أو يبرر وجوده، فالباطل باطل أبداً ،كما أن المنكر منكر أبداً، ومن زعم أن الحقّ لا يمكن أن يستقيم له أمرٌ في هذه الدنيا إلا بنوعٍ من الباطل فهو مخطئ على الشريعة النبوية، فالحق لا يحتاج إلى الباطل، والهدى لا يحتاج إلى الضلالة..
    أبو قتادة الفلسطيني -فكّ الله أسره-

  • #2
    رد: Introducing Islam

    allah bless you

    and may this year be better than the last year


    thanx 4 your topic
    masha Allah
    الحمد لله رزقني الله بـ "رقية"
    اللهم اجعلها قرة عين لي ولوالدها واجعلها من عبادك الصالحين واشفها شفاءا لا يغادر سقما

    يارب اهد امتك آية واغفر لها وقها شر الفتن ما ظهر منها وما بطن وثبتها وقوي ايمانها
    اللهم اشفها شفاءا لا يغادر سقماً

    اللهم طهر قلوبنا واحسن خاتمتنا وامح ذنوبنا
    رباااه اغفر وارحم إنك أنت الأعز الأكرم

    إلاهي أنت تعلم كيف حالي فهل يا سيدي فرج قريب


    • #3
      رد: Introducing Islam

      Assalmu alikum
      really really nice topic
      simple but covers a lot of stuff
      may Allah reward you brother

      اللهم أرزقنى الشهادة على أعتاب الاقصى التى يُمزق فيها قلبي ليُجمع به فى رحابك وخذ من دمى حتى ترضى .. أسالكم الدعاء

      تعرف على المسجد الاقصى

