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George, who Celebrates Adha Eid ツ.. Must Read ツ..

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  • George, who Celebrates Adha Eid ツ.. Must Read ツ..

    George is an American man who is over 50 years old.

    He lives in Washington with his wife, his son & his daughter.
    When Zul Hijja was coming near, George started to catch the news to know when Zul Hijja will start exactly. He watched the TV, his wife listened to the radio & his son surfed the internet and checked some Islamic sites.

    When they knew when Zul Hijja would start, they prepared themselves for Adha Eid which is on the 10th of Zul Hijja.

    On the second day, they went & bought a sheep (according to Islamic rulings) to slaughter it on the first day of Eid.

    They took the sheep in their car, and on the way, the little girl was expressing her joy of having Eid. She was happy that she'll wear her new dress & go with her peers to play. She wished that all days are Eid.

    When they got home, the wife told George: "I've read that we should cut the sheep into three parts (according to Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammad - Peace & Blessings be Upon Him). We should give the first part to the poor, second part to our neighbors (Elizabeth, David & Mark) and the third is ours."

    When the day of Eid came, they were confused where the Qiblah is exactly. They assumed that it's in a certain direction towards Ka'aba. He hold the knife, put the sheep towards the Qiblah & slaughtered it. The wife hurried to cut the sheep into three parts as agreed.

    Suddenly, George remembered & shouted: "We're late for church! Today is Sunday, and we'll miss the Sunday Mass!"

    George was a committed Christian. He always made sure to take his wife and kids with him.


    Ahmad finished his story about George.
    A guy from the audience exclaimed: "You confused us! Is George a Muslim or a Christian?!"
    Ahmad replied: "George is a Christian who believes in three Gods. He doesn't believe in Prophet Mohammad - Peace & Blessings be Upon Him - as being the last & final messenger".

    A voice from the crowd said: "Don't lie to us Ahmad! Who could believe that George & his family would do that?! How could a Christian do Muslims' rituals?? A Christian wouldn't wait for Zul Hijja, buy a sheep to slaughter.. blah blah...."

    Ahmad smiled sarcastically & said: "My beloved brothers, why do you find it so hard to believe my story? Why can't you believe that such a Christian family exists?"

    Isn't there in our Muslim community..
    Like: Abdullah, Mohammad, Khaled, Khadija or Fatima who celebrates Christian or Jewish Holidays?
    Don't we celebrate New Year, Christmas, Valentine's, Halloween, Easter.. blah blah.. ??

    George is a Christian who celebrates our Eid!
    Why can't believe that?
    Why are refusing George's acts?
    Why don't we refuse our acts?

    Finally, Ahmad said:
    I've lived in the U.S. for more than ten years now.
    I swear by Allah, I never saw a Christian or a Jew who celebrates any of our Eids.
    I've never heard of anyone who asked about them either.
    Even when I invited them for a Eid Fitr celebration in my apartment, no one attended when they knew it's Muslim's Eid.
    I've that in the West, and when I returned back to my Muslim country, I find Muslims celebrating Christian & Jewish holidays.

    What shall I say except:
    There is no power and no might except by Allah .

  • #2
    رد: George, who Celebrates Adha Eid ツ.. Must Read ツ..

    Allahu Akbar!0
    Ma shaa Allah!0
    I can't find words.0

    .Really, it is a great and fantastic admonition which itches in minds

    Giving examples and parables in Da'wah is a Quranic method that we should use in order to drag the attention and reach the hearts of the audience so quickly.0

    I did enjoy reading this topic.0
    0!May Allah bless you and reward you the best reward

    مهمــا طال الزمن الأسود* وتطـــــاول علج أو عربـد
    وتشامخ في الأرض طغاة *أو أرغى المجرم أو أزبــد
    سيطل الفجر وينبثق
    دعوة المرء لأخيه بظهر الغيب مستجابة
    فأسألكم الدعاء لي بالهداية والإخلاص والقبول
    إلى لقاء...


    • #3
      رد: George, who Celebrates Adha Eid ツ.. Must Read ツ..

      ma shaa Allah
      may Allah reward u our brother
      نسألكم الدعاء لسوريا وأهلها


      • #4
        رد: George, who Celebrates Adha Eid ツ.. Must Read ツ..

        I enjoy reading this topic so much .0
        0!May Allah bless you and reward you the best reward

        لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
        سبحان الله و بحمده سبحان الله العظيم
        ابطال فلسطين ( الاسطورة يحيى عياش )


        • #5
          رد: George, who Celebrates Adha Eid ツ.. Must Read ツ..

          Jak bro & Sis

          Keep Smiling || It's Sunnah ||
          التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة loving Islam; الساعة 27-12-2009, 03:06 AM. سبب آخر: No emoticons are allowed in mixed threads


          • #6
            رد: George, who Celebrates Adha Eid ツ.. Must Read ツ..

            بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
            السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
            والله جزاك الله خيرا
            فكم تعجبت من القصة وعندما فهمت هدفها كم سعدت وان شاء الله انشرها

            وجزاكم الله خيرا


            • #7
              رد: George, who Celebrates Adha Eid ツ.. Must Read ツ..

              great topic

              0!May Allah bless you and reward you the best reward

