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The ottoman sultan's turbans

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  • The ottoman sultan's turbans



    It goes without saying that many people have noticed the large size of Ottoman sultans turban placed on their heads, but still many of us have not got a clue why the large size of this turban and its real implications???

    This turban is not only a headscarf, or crown that is put on the top of the head only, but is an art of the Ottoman sultan , it was a condition of the Sultanate, Further more the main requirements to being in power is to be a Mujahid (Warrior), and puts the headgear that represents a shroud over his head so as to remember death at all times

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    ربما لاحظ الكثيرون منا كبر حجم عمامة السلاطين العثمانيين التي توضع على رؤوسهم, لكن ربما أيضا لم يفقه الكثير منا سبب كبر حجم هذه العمامة ودلالاتها

    ان هذه العمامة ليست لغطاء ألرأس فقط, أو تيجانا للرأس فحسب, وانما هي كفن السلطان العثماني,

    فقد كان من شروط السلطنة, أي شرط كون المرء سلطانا أن يكون مجاهدا, ويضع تلك العمامة التي تمثل كفنه على رأسه حتى يتذكر الموت في كل حين

    وحتى لا يظن أحد أن ذلك ضرب من الرمزية التي لا صلة لها بالواقع, فان السلطان بايزيد الذي قاتل في احدى المعارك مع الروم قتل وكفن بنفس العمامة التي كانت على رأسه


    The Ottoman Empire or دَوْلَتِ عَلِيّهٔ عُثمَانِیّه Devlet-i ʿAliyye-yi ʿOsmâniyye , also historically referred to as the Turkish Empire or Turkey, was a state founded by Turkish tribes under OSMAN BEY,in north-western Anatolia in 1299, with the conquest of Constantinople or Istanbul on the 29th of May 1453, by MOHAMED AL FATIH or Mehmet II, the Ottoman state became an empire.
    The conquest of Constantinople was a pivotal event in the evolution of the Ottoman Empire and since that conquest it cemented its Eurasian nature, which remains one of the essential characteristics of Turkey . The empire reached its peak at 1590, covering parts of Asia, Europe and Africa. The reign of the long-lived OTTOMAN EMPIRE lasted for 623 years, from 27 July 1299 to 1 November 1922, when the monarchy in Turkey was abolished.

    Furthermore, During the 16th and 17th centuries, in particular at the height of its power under the reign of SULEYMAN THE MAGNIFICENT or SULEYMAN AL KANOUNI , the Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful states in the world , a multinational, multilingual empire that stretched from the southern borders of the Holy Roman Empire to the outskirts of VIENNA,Royal Hungary and Moden Slovakia and the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth , to north of Yemen and Eritrea in the south; from Algeria in North Africa to Azerbaijan in the east, thus controlling much of southeast Europe, Western Asia and North Africa.
    At the beginning of the 17th century the empire contained 32 Provinces andand numerous Vassal states,some of which were later absorbed into the empire, while others were granted various types of autonomy during the course of centuries.
    Through the" so called"Treaty of Lausanne signed on 24 July 1923, the Turkish parliament proclaimed on 29 October 1923 the establishment of the Republic of Turkey as the continuing state of the defunct Ottoman Empire, in line with the treaty and as a matter of fact, The OTTOMAN CALIPHATE was abolished on 3 March 1924 , while the CALIPHATE's authority and properties were transferred to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
