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What is ISLAM ?

  • تصفية - فلترة
  • الوقت
  • عرض
إلغاء تحديد الكل
مشاركات جديدة

  • What is ISLAM ?

    What is ISLAM ?

    What isIslam?
    The Arabic word 'Islam' stands for 'Submission' or 'Peace'. In a religious context, it implies the peace thatreaches out to one when one completely submits oneself to the will of AlmightyGod. This is achieved only when the individual acts in accordance with thedirection of his Creator in all spheres of life

    Who is the founderof Islam?
    The Almighty God who created theuniverse, endowed man with a special gift of intelligence and thought, to enablehim to discriminate between good and bad. Man has also been given, the freedomto choose his own path by either accepting or rejecting the instructions of theAlmighty Creator. The divine revelations were conveyed by God to mankind throughnumerous prophets who preached the ideals to all communities during differentperiods of human history. The thousands of prophets whom God selected for humanguidance have promulgated the basic doctrine with remarkable similarity. Thebelief in and the profound reverence for all messengers and revealed ******uresfrom God forms an integral part of Islamic faith. Islam is not a religionfounded by Prophet Mohammed, (Peace Be Upon Him). The Qur'an has mostemphatically corroborated the fact that the Islamic conception of life wasrevealed to man by a long chain of prophets chosen by the Almighty Creator

    Who isMuslim?
    The word 'Muslim' means one who hassubmitted oneself to the Omnipotent Creator. A true Muslim is one who hasdisciplined his life in accordance with the instructions conveyed by God throughHis messengers. A person becomes a Muslim not by birth alone, but by his faithand deeds

    How can one be aMuslim?
    "I testify thatthere is none who deserves to be worshipped but Allah. I testify that Mohammedis the messenger of Allah".By taking this solemn oathsincerely and endeavouring to regulate one's life following the instructionsconveyed by Allah through his messengers, one becomes a true Muslim. Bydeclaring that there is none worthy of worship save Allah, and that Mohammed isthe Prophet of Allah, the believer announces his or her faith in God's oneness, His sole right to be worshipped and that Muhammed is the last of the prophets. It also confirms his or her belief in all prophets and the ******ures theybrought.

    Why does Islamseem to be strict?
    No prophet taught that religion isto be confined within the walls of places of worship. On the contrary, Muslimsare expected to follow the instructions of Almighty Allah in the course of alltheir activities in life. The word 'Muslim' means 'one who has submitted hisself to the will of Allah', and for the same reason a true Muslim cannotcompromise on anything that stands in the way of guiding his life according todivine strictures. The view that consciousness of God is to be confined only tothe place of worship is alien to Islam. Muslims always have religion foremost intheir minds whereas many others consider religion as irrelevant in the presentage.

    Fear Allaah wherever you are, and follow up a bad deed with a good deed, and it will wipe it out, and treat people in a kind manner