prophit Mohamed SAW died at the age of 63 years old
jazaki Allaho khiran Okhty
true sister
but you must answer only the last Question
which written by our brother .. ragy rahmat Allah
& then write anew Question for the next member
wellcom here my dear sis
let's answer the Question & write another one
الحمد لله رزقني الله بـ "رقية"
اللهم اجعلها قرة عين لي ولوالدها واجعلها من عبادك الصالحين واشفها شفاءا لا يغادر سقما
يارب اهد امتك آية واغفر لها وقها شر الفتن ما ظهر منها وما بطن وثبتها وقوي ايمانها
Allah reward you the answer of question 15 is 23 years
the answer of question 16 is Ali Ebn Aby Taleb Question 17 Who is the first women in Islam? Khadija Bent Khoild Asmaa Bent Aby Baker Alsaida Aisha
True answer Allah bless you Please i want 3 choice!!!!!! OK OK!!!!! i know the answer Abo Baker Alsedeq Question 19 Who is the person whose called Zo Alnoren? Osman Ben Affan Ali Ben Aby Taleb Osama Ben Zid